HHO-III Purification药典二氧化碳专用净化装置
更新时间:2024/2/22 9:10:02
型号:HHO-III Purification
厂商性质: 生产型,贸易型,服务型,
公司名称: 浩瀚色谱(山东)应用技术开发有限公司
王经理 : (15562228838) (0632-5667636)
更新时间:2024/2/22 9:10:02
型号:HHO-III Purification
厂商性质: 生产型,贸易型,服务型,
公司名称: 浩瀚色谱(山东)应用技术开发有限公司
王经理 : (15562228838) (0632-5667636)
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HHO-III Purification药典二氧化碳专用净化装置 详细信息:
型号:HHO-III Purification
二氧化碳EryanghuatanCarbon DioxideCO2 44.01 [124-38-9] 本品含CO2不得少于99.5% (ml/ml)。 【性状】本品为无色气体;无臭;水溶液显弱酸性反应。 本品1容在常压20℃时,能溶于水约1容中。 【鉴别】(1)取本品,通入氢氧化钡试液中,即生成白色沉淀;沉淀能在醋酸中溶解并发生泡沸。 (2)本品能使火焰熄灭。 (3)本品的红外光吸收图谱应与对照的图谱(图1) —致(通则0402)。 【检查】酸度 取水100ml,加甲基橙指示液0.2ml,混匀,分取50ml,置甲、乙两支比色管中,于乙管中,加盐酸滴定液(0.01ml/L) 1.0ml,摇匀;于甲管中,通人本品1000ml(速度为每小时4000ml)后,显出的红色不得较乙管更深。 一氧化碳 取本品,用一氧化碳检测管测定,含一氧化碳不得过百万分之十。 磷化氢 取本品,用磷化氢检测管测定,含磷化氢不得过千万分之三。 硫化氢 取本品,用硫化氢检测管测定,含硫化氢不得过百万分之一。 碳氢化合物 取本品作为供试品;取甲烷含量为0.0020%的气体(以氮气为稀释剂)作为对照气体,照气相色谱法(通则0521)试验,用玻璃球为填料的色谱柱(0.8m×4mm,80目);柱温为110℃;进样口温度为110℃;检测器温度为120℃。量取供试品气体与对照气体,注入气相色谱仪,在净化温度为360℃时测得的峰面积为相应空白值;量取供试品气体与对照气体,注入气相色谱仪,测定峰面积,减去相应空白值后的峰面积为校正峰面积。按外标法以校正峰面积计算,含碳氢化合物(以甲烷计)不得过0.0020%。
HHO-III Purification药典二氧化碳专用净化装置 测试谱图:
HHO-III Purification Pharmacopoeia Carbon Dioxide Special Purification Device
Detailed information of the carbon dioxide purification device dedicated to HHO-III Purification Pharmacopoeia:
Name: CO2 purification device
Model: HHO-III Purification
Application: Pharmacopoeia Determination of hydrocarbons in carbon dioxide
Eryanghuatan Carbon Dioxide CO2 44.01
[124 38 9]
This product should contain no less than 99.5% CO2 (ml/ml).
【 Character 】 This product is a colorless gas; Odorless; The aqueous solution exhibits weak acidic reactions.
This product is soluble in approximately 1 volume of water at atmospheric pressure of 20 ℃.
[Identification] (1) Take this product and put it into Barium hydroxide test solution to generate white precipitate; Precipitation can dissolve in acetic acid and undergo boiling.
(2) This product can extinguish flames.
(3) The infrared absorption spectrum of this product should be consistent with the control spectrum (Figure 1) - Zhi (General Rule 0402).
[Inspection] Acidity: Take 100ml of water, add 0.2ml of Methyl orange indicator solution, mix well, take 50ml separately, place it in two colorimetric tubes A and B, put it in tube B, add 1.0ml of hydrochloric acid titrant (0.01ml/L), and shake well; After passing 1000ml of this product (at a speed of 4000ml per hour) into tube A, the red color should not be darker than that in tube B.
Carbon monoxide is taken from this product and measured using a carbon monoxide detection tube. The content of carbon monoxide should not exceed 10 parts per million.
Phosphine Take this product and measure it with Phosphine detector tube. The content of Phosphine should not exceed 3 parts per million.
Hydrogen sulfide is taken from this product and measured using a hydrogen sulfide detection tube. The content of hydrogen sulfide should not exceed one millionth.
Take this product as the test sample for hydrocarbons; Take a gas with a methane content of 0.0020% (using nitrogen as the diluent) as the reference gas, and perform the gas chromatography test according to General Rule 0521. Use a chromatographic column (0.8m) filled with glass balls × 4mm, 80 mesh); The column temperature is 110 ℃; The inlet temperature is 110 ℃; The detector temperature is 120 ℃. Measure the test sample gas and control gas, inject them into a gas chromatograph, and the peak area measured at a purification temperature of 360 ℃ is the corresponding blank value; Measure the test sample gas and control gas, inject them into a gas chromatograph, measure the peak area, and subtract the corresponding blank value to obtain the corrected peak area. Calculated using the external standard method to correct peak area, the hydrocarbon content (calculated as methane) shall not exceed 0.0020%.
Tengzhou Haohan Chromatographic Instrument Technical Service Co., Ltd. develops special purification devices for carbon dioxide analysis, which are easy to install in imported instruments such as Agilent, Shimadzu, Varian and Thermoelectric.
Vast chromatography, providing a complete analysis plan
HHO-III Purification Pharmacopoeia Carbon Dioxide Purification Kit