范先生 : (15221105376) (15221105376)
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这些湿/湿差压型号拥有微加工硅传感器的所有卓越 性能。它们坚固耐用的不锈钢传感器非常适合工业、 汽车或航空等需要湿/湿传感器的条件恶劣的应用。 这些传感器可用于测试工作台、过滤器监控、液压、 流量,或水/废水应用,工厂或气动空气、皮托管、 空气速度以及其他工业或航空应用。固态硅芯和全不 锈钢接液部件使传感器具有很长的、可靠的使用寿 命,还具有卓越的长期稳定性。
These wet/wet differential pressure models have all the excellent performance of micro-machined silicon sensors. Their durable stainless steel sensors are well suited for harsh applications requiring wet/wet sensors in industry, automobiles or aviation. These sensors can be used to test workbenches, filter monitoring, hydraulic, flow, or water/wastewater applications, factory or pneumatic air, pitot tube, air speed and other industrial or aviation applications. Solid silicon core and all stainless steel liquid-contacting parts make the sensor have a long and reliable service life and excellent long-term stability.