爱尔兰Megazyme 抗性淀粉检测试剂盒 Resistant Starch Assay Kit K-RSTAR
李字林 : (13524261002) (021-22817530)
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英文名:Resistant Starch Assay Kit
Colourimetric method for the determination of Resistant Starch
in cereal products and feeds
(α-amylase + amyloglucosidase)
(1) Non-resistant starch + H2O → D-glucose + maltose (trace)
(2) Aqueous ethanol wash + centrifugation to remove D-glucose +
(3) Dissolution of resistant starch pellet in KOH and neutralisation
(α-amylase + amyloglucosidase)
(4) Dissolved resistant starch + H2O → D-glucose
(glucose oxidase)
(5) D-Glucose + H2O + O2 → D-gluconate + H2O2
(6) 2H2O2 + p-hydroxybenzoic acid + 4-aminoantipyrine →
quinoneimine + 4H2O
Kit size: 100 assays
Method: Spectrophotometric at 510 nm
Reaction time: ~ 120 min (plus overnight incubation)
Detection limit: 2-100% of sample weight
Application examples:
Plant materials, starch samples and other materials
Method recognition:
AOAC (Method 2002.02), AACC (Method 32-40.01) and CODEX
(Type II Method)
Very cost effective
All reagents stable for > 2 years after preparation
Only enzymatic kit available
Measures enzyme resistant starch
Simple format
Mega-Calc? software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
Standard included
爱尔兰Megazyme 抗性淀粉检测试剂盒 Resistant Starch Assay Kit K-RSTAR
爱尔兰Megazyme 抗性淀粉检测试剂盒 Resistant Starch Assay Kit K-RSTAR
爱尔兰Megazyme 抗性淀粉检测试剂盒 Resistant Starch Assay Kit K-RSTAR
爱尔兰Megazyme 抗性淀粉检测试剂盒 Resistant Starch Assay Kit K-RSTAR
爱尔兰Megazyme 抗性淀粉检测试剂盒 Resistant Starch Assay Kit K-RSTAR