现货,Microfluidic Chip Technology,微流控芯片技术
更新时间:2023/4/3 18:11:18
厂商性质: 生产型,
公司名称: 世联博研(北京)科技有限公司
王荣 : (18618101725) (18618101725)
更新时间:2023/4/3 18:11:18
厂商性质: 生产型,
公司名称: 世联博研(北京)科技有限公司
王荣 : (18618101725) (18618101725)
(联系我时,请说明是在来宝网上看到的,谢谢!)Microfluidic Chip Technology
SynVivo’s proprietary microfluidic chips are capable of supporting a microvascular network that simulates the circulation inside any tissue with respect to flow, shear and pressure. Novel co-culture protocols have been developed that establish true vascular monolayers in communication with tissue cells. Human cells grown in SynVivo chips retain biological phenotypes that are similar to cells found in the tissues. Leading researchers have validated that cells grown in SynVivo chips more accurately reflect the tissue cells found inside the body than do cells grown using conventional culture techniques.
The successful coupling of digitized tissue imaging with silicon etching technologies allows SynVivo to design and manufacture microfluidic chips that can be adapted for a variety of uses. All chip designs incorporate ports for introduction of cells and reagents and for collecting effluent for analysis. They can accommodate virtually any analytical technology.
SynVivo has developed 3D tissue models that accelerate real-time studies of cellular behavior, drug delivery and drug discovery by providing a morphologically and biologically realistic microenvironment that more accurately depicts in vivo reality. SynVivo models recreate complex in vivo microvasculature including scale, morphology, hemodynamic shear stress and cellular interactions in an in vitro microfluidic chip environment. These tissue models are morphologically and physiologically realistic with side-by-side architecture enabling real-time visualization.
The Synvivo platform can be used to study cell/particle adhesion and cell-cell or cell-drug interactions and has been extensively validated across neuroscience, oncology, inflammation and toxicology applications.
Currently available 3D tissue models include the SynBBB (blood brain barrier), SynTumor (Cancer), SynRAM (Inflammation model for rolling adhesion and migration assays) and SynTox (Toxicology).
In addition, SynVivo’s capability to rapidly prototype custom chips allows the replication of unique features of any desired organ and tissue for disruptive applications. For more information, please refer to literature references describing the studies conducted with SynVivo technology. Our platform is protected by an extensive IP portfolio that covers broad use across multiple disease areas and tissue types.
Chips designs are based on actual microvascular network imaging or an idealized vasculature network supporting morphologically and physiologically realistic assays across basic and applied life science research.
1. Realistic Microvascular Networks Based 3D Tissue Model: Replicate in vivo physiological, morphological and cellular makeup for cell-cell and cell-drug interaction across the vascular-tissue interface.
2. Idealized Microvascular Network Based 3D Tissue Model: Replicate in vivo fluidic and cellular makeup for cell-cell and cell-drug interaction across the vascular-tissue interface.
现货,Microfluidic Chip Technology,微流控芯片技术现货,Microfluidic Chip Technology,微流控芯片技术现货,Microfluidic Chip Technology,微流控芯片技术