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现在位置首页>实验耗材配件>显微镜配件>原子力显微镜探针>现货DO-166-FTL-AC-XS,微量流经溶解氧探头Micro flow through dissolved oxygen probe
现货DO-166-FTL-AC-XS,微量流经溶解氧探头Micro flow through dissolved oxygen probe
现货DO-166-FTL-AC-XS,微量流经溶解氧探头Micro flow through dissolved oxygen probe
  • 现货DO-166-FTL-AC-XS,微量流经溶解氧探头Micro flow through dissolved oxygen probe

现货DO-166-FTL-AC-XS,微量流经溶解氧探头Micro flow through dissolved oxygen probe


更新时间:2023/4/3 18:11:18




厂商性质: 生产型,

公司名称: 世联博研(北京)科技有限公司

产品关键词: DO-166-FTL-AC-XS   Micro flow through dissolved o   微量流经溶解氧探头  


王荣 : (18618101725) (18618101725)


Micro flow through dissolved oxygen probe

Micro flow through dissolved oxygen probe

New! Now available in autoclavable version.

Electrode Cat. No.: DO-166FTL
Complete System Cat. No.: DO-166FTL-XS
Electrode Cat. No.: DO-166FTL-AC
Complete System Cat. No.: DO-166-FTL-AC-XS Autoclavable

Dissolved Oxygen Range: 0 to 760 mm Hg O2 partial pressure, 0 to saturation O2
Dissolved Oxygen Resolution: 1 mm Hg O2
Temperature Range: 0 to 50 oC
Automatic Temperature Compensation: yes
Flow Tubing and Connections: 1/8 inch OD fluoropolymer tubing with 1/4-28 chromatography fittings or micro PVC tubing using hose barb connectors (both options included with each electrode)
Sample Size: minimum sample size is 150 microliters
Flow Rates: 0 to 25 ml/min
Response Time: : Response time at 25 C is 2 seconds for 90% of reading.
Connector:Available BNC, U.S. standard, Radiometer, and other common connectors (please specify when ordering).
Power: 9 volt disposable battery or 110/220 AC.

Description:A micro flow through dissolved oxygen electrode with internal cell volume of only 150 microliters. Electrode comes complete with electronic preamplifier which gives millivolt output. Electrode also comes complete with membranes and filling solution for operating the probe.

  • USE IN BIOREACTOR, CELL CULTURE, AND ORGAN PERFUSION: pO2 System low volume (150 microliter) is ideally suited for in line monitoring of bioreactors, organ perfusion, and cell culture.

  • pC02 volume is 100ul.

  • ATTACHES DIRECTLY TO SILASTIC TUBING: End fittings on pO2 probe attaches directly to standard silastic tubing.

  • USE WITH YOUR pH METER: pO2 probe plugs directly into your pH meter.

  • USE WITH STRIP CHART RECORDER: Continuous pO2 monitoring using strip chart recorder.

  • USE WITH PC COMPUTER: Use with A/D converter for monitoring and recording with your PC computer.

  • MEASURE SMALL BATCH SAMPLES: Use micro syringe to inject sample into flow cell for oxygen measurement of samples as small as 150 microliters.

Applications:Biotechnology, organ perfusion studies, physiology, HPLC fluorescence.

Unique adavantages of micro flow through electrodes

  • Low volume flow through systems. All flow through ion electrodes have internal volumes less than 50 microliters (except for pO2 which has a volume of 150 ul).

  • Wide flow range. The standard flow through cells have a flow range of 0 to 25 ml/min. Flow cells are also available for flow rates up to 500 ml/min.

  • Rapid response. Response time for all the flow through electrodes is less than 20 seconds for a 50% increase in the parameter being monitored.

  • Low detection limit. Micro flow through ion electrodes will typically measure below 1 ppm, while some ion electrodes like the sodium electrode will measure down to 0.02 ppm (1 micro Molar). Conductivity micro flow through electrode can detect down to 1 microsiemen.

  • Compatible with all laboratory pH meters. The micro flow through electrodes are compatible with all major brand pH meters including Orion(R), Beckman(R) Corning(R), Fisher(R), and Radiometer(R). Specify meter when ordering.

  • Use chart recorder or PC for continuous recording of concentration vs. time. The recorder output from the pH/mV meter which is used with the pH and ion electrodes can be input into a standard strip chart recorder or PC with an A to D converter. The pO2 and conductivity flow through electrodes can be fed directly into a chart recorder or PC.

  • Use with silastic or other flexible tubing. Electrodes come with miniature hose barb end fitting. Just slip the silastic or other tubing over the hose barb fitting for a leak free connection.

  • Use with HPLC fittings. The micro flow through electrodes also come with 1/4-28 chromatography fittings and can be plumbed directly to an HPLC system using fluoropolymer or PEEK tubing.

  • Indispensable tool for LC gradient elution of proteins. The conductivity monitor is ideally suited for continuous monitoring of salt gradients in ion exchange, reverse phase, hydrophobic interaction, and hydroxylapetite separations.

  • All biocompatible components. All electrode components are made of glass, fluoropolymer, acrylic, and epoxy and are completely compatible with biological solutions containing proteins etc.

  • Autoclavable Autoclavable micro flow through electrodes are available at extra cost. Specify when ordering.

  • Ideal for organ perfusion studies. The micro flow through electrodes for pH, pO2, and pCO2 are ideally suited for perfusion studies in liver, kidney, heart, lung, and other perfused organ systems.