现货Mechanical Physical Therapy Kits MF-PT100
更新时间:2023/4/14 15:44:53
厂商性质: 生产型,
公司名称: 世联博研(北京)科技有限公司
王荣 : (18618101725) (18618101725)
更新时间:2023/4/14 15:44:53
厂商性质: 生产型,
公司名称: 世联博研(北京)科技有限公司
王荣 : (18618101725) (18618101725)
(联系我时,请说明是在来宝网上看到的,谢谢!)Mechanical Physical Therapy Kits
For muscle strength and ergonomic force testing, our Physical Therapy kits have just the right ingredients for the professional Physical Therapist or Ergonomist. Lightweight, rugged and simple to use, these kits are great for isokinetic testing and job task analysis. Available with mechanical force gauges in 100 lb or 50 kg capacities, these PT kits are ergonomically crafted for convenient operation.All kits are capable of displaying peak compression, tension or real time forces. The peak force mode features an easy push-button reset; especially helpful for doing repetitive testing. The large dial indicator allows viewing of force changes as they occur and reduces the chance for parallax errors when taking readings. Due to its mechanical design, response time is immediate. Calibration is achieved by a set of precisely matched springs which are overload protected to 165 lb (75 kg). The rugged MF gauges feature a die-cast aluminum housing. These handsome kits are equipped with padded ERGO accessories, adapters and N.I.S.T. traceable certificates of calibration. Due to their features these Physical Therapy kits are ideal for ADA compliance, workplace design and ergonomic studies.Photo Gallery FeaturesOutstanding ±0.2% F.S. accuracy makes the MF’s applicable even for the strictest applicationsPrecision gauge movement provides a quick response for instantaneous analysisReal Time Mode or Peak Mode enables flexibility to view live readings or maximum values recordedPeak Mode Reset is ideal for repetitive peak testing applicationsSmooth mechanical operation with precise action produces repetitive, accurate readingsExceptionally rugged die-cast aluminum housing enables usage in harsh conditionsOverload protected to 165 pounds (74.84 kg) protects gauge from accidental damageCompact, ergonomic design is perfect for handheld useDial rotation enables easing taring adjustmentAll accessories and attachments required for ergonomic and therapy testing includedRangesMODELCAPACITYOVERLOAD CAPACITYDIAL GRADUATIONSMF-PT100100 lb165 lb0.5 lbMF-PT50KG50 kg75 kg0.25 kgSpecificationsAccuracy± 0.2% F.S.DisplayAnalog dial, 2" diameter (50 mm); Rotatable 360° for taring/zeroingReal/Peak ModeSelectableDisplay UpdateImmediateKit Weight8.0 lb (3.6 kg)Warranty2 YearComplete KitMF Force gauge, carrying case 7 attachments (flat head, hook chisel, notched head, cone head, extension rod, large hook, large v-hook) padded ERGO accessories, handle and free N.I.S.T. traceable certificate of calibration |
现货Mechanical Physical Therapy Kits MF-PT100现货Mechanical Physical Therapy Kits MF-PT100现货Mechanical Physical Therapy Kits MF-PT100