更新时间:2024/2/17 9:28:03
厂商性质: 生产型,贸易型,
公司名称: 上海涸宇机电科技有限公司
范先生 : (17317611498) (021-56640700)
更新时间:2024/2/17 9:28:03
厂商性质: 生产型,贸易型,
公司名称: 上海涸宇机电科技有限公司
范先生 : (17317611498) (021-56640700)
(联系我时,请说明是在来宝网上看到的,谢谢!)美国Gilmont流量计 进口Gilmont转子流量计
使用这些流量计用于更高的压力应用。透明的聚碳酸酯盾可以增加强度,保护管子不受损坏。流体接触仅仅是硼硅酸盐玻璃管,PTFE体,和VITON ?氟弹性体——不是聚碳酸酯屏蔽。末端衬套是聚丙烯带聚丙烯衬垫。为了防止流体接触到末端衬套,请在面向的页面上订购连接适配器。
美国Gilmont流量计 进口Gilmont转子流量计
Wide selection of flow ranges—measure air from 0.02 ml/min to 675 LPM or water from 0.0002 ml/min to 20 LPM
? High-accuracy correlated flowmeters— ±2% of reading!
? Excellent chemical compatibility with glass and PTFE construction
Unshielded Flowmeters
Choose unshielded flowmeters for high purity and corrosion resistance in low-pressure applications. PTFE stops accept taper joints (order from page 7) to make quick glass-to-glass connections. Unshielded flowmeters feature small outside diameters—meters require minimal space.
Shielded Flowmeters
Use these flowmeters for higher pressure applications. The clear polycarbonate shield adds strength and protects the tube from damage. Fluid contacts only the borosilicate glass tube, PTFE body, and VITON ? fluoroelastomer O-rings—not the polycarbonate shield. End bushings are polypropylene with PTFE inserts. Order coupling adapters on facing page to prevent fluid from contacting the end bushings.
Shielded Flowmeters with Valves
Choose these flowmeters for greater control; micrometer capillary valves ensure precise, reproducible measurement and flow control. Shields are clear polycarbonate; valve con-sists of a precision-bore glass tube for the fluid and a precision-ground rod of PCTFE (PTFE for sizes 4, 5, 14, and 15) controlled by a micrometer. The 20-turn micrometer valve can be adjusted from 0.1 to 100% of maximum flow—control is semilogarithmic.Precise regulation can be obtained through 19.5 turns (0.3 to 60% of maximum flow).You can interchange flowtubes among valve assemblies of the same size.
Direct Reading Flowmeters
Take air and water readings directly with these compact meters—no calibration curves needed for glass floats. Accuracy is ±5% of reading or 2 mm of the scale length,whichever is greater.
Correlated Flowmeters
Extremely accurate . . ±2% of reading or ±1 scale division, whichever is greater. Determine flow values for air and water from the computerized calibration table enclosed with each flowmeter. Tables are included for floats used with both air and water at STP. A flow chart and formulas are included to convert scale readings for other gases or liquids or for floats other than glass. See page 7 to order our flow analysis software to generate flow charts specific to your individual applications.
Flowmeter Stand Kit and Components
The flowmeter stand kit contains everything you need to mount your GILMONT ? flowmeter on a stand, a benchtop, or a wall. The base is machined from rugged aluminum. A built-in ‘‘bubble level’’ ensures that the base is level for maximum accuracy. Configure base to accept three rod and clamp assemblies for unshielded or shielded flowmeters. Mount valved flowmeters directly—base accepts two large flowmeters (size 4,5, 14, or 15) or three of the smaller flowmeters. Mounting clamps hold flowmeters firmly in place without obstructing your view of the flowme- ter scale or damaging the flowtube or shield.Clamps are L-shaped with mounting holes bored into them formounting flowmeters to a wall or panel (wood screws included).
GF-4004 Flowmeter stand kit. Includes one base, one rod, and two mounting clamps
GF-4001 Flowmeter base
GF-4002 Rod, 18"L
GF-4003 Mounting clamp. Includes wood screws
美国Gilmont流量计 进口Gilmont转子流量计
美国Gilmont流量计 进口Gilmont转子流量计