FT-210-218572/212460/212404 涡轮流量传感器 Gems捷迈
范先生 : (15221105376) (15221105376)
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(联系我时,请说明是在来宝网上看到的,谢谢!)FT-210-218572/212460/212404 涡轮流量传感器 Gems捷迈
FT-210-218572/212460/212404 涡轮流量传感器 Gems捷迈
Wetted Materials
Body:Nylon 12 (Grilamid TR55) or Grivory
Turbine:Nylon 12 Composite
Bearings:PTFE/15% Graphite
Operating Pressure:350 PSI (24 bar)
Burst Pressure:1400 PSI (97 bar)
Flow Range:.026-.65 gallons/minute,0.1-2.5 liters/minute,3.4-84.5 ounces/minute
Pulses:83,200 per gallon,22,000 per liter,650 per ounce
Frequency Output:36.6-917 Hz
Operating Temperature:-4°F to 212°F (-20°C to 100°C)
Viscosity:32 to 70 SSU (.8 to 16 Centistokes)
Filter:<50 Microns
Input Power:5 to 24 VDC
Output (Hz):NPN Sinking Open Collector @ 20mA Maximum Leakage
Current 10μA (3K-30K Pull up resistor required)
Accuracy:±3% of Reading
Repeatability:0.5% of Full Scale
Electrical Connection:9.4mm Spacing 3-pole DIN Connector (1? high)
Inlet/Outlet Ports:1/4? NPT (1/4? G Male also available)
FT-210-218572/212460/212404 涡轮流量传感器 Gems捷迈