英国LASCAR EL-USB-2+高精度温湿度数据记录仪
更新时间:2024/2/17 9:28:06
型号: EL-USB-2+
厂商性质: 生产型,贸易型,
公司名称: 上海涸宇机电科技有限公司
范先生 : (17317611498) (021-56640700)
更新时间:2024/2/17 9:28:06
型号: EL-USB-2+
厂商性质: 生产型,贸易型,
公司名称: 上海涸宇机电科技有限公司
范先生 : (17317611498) (021-56640700)
(联系我时,请说明是在来宝网上看到的,谢谢!)This standalone data logger measures over 16,000 readings over a -35 to +80°C (-31 to +176°??F) and 0 to 100% humidity (RH) range. Easily set up the logger and view downloaded data by plugging the unit into a PC’s USB port and using the free EasyLog software provided. Data can then be graphed, printed and exported to other applications for detailed analysis. Supplied with ? AA battery and wall mount clip.
Measurement range
-35°C to 80°C (-31°F to 176°F)
Internal resolution
0.5°C (1°F)
Accuracy (overall error)
0.45°C (0.86°F) typical (5 to 60°C)
Long term stability
<0.02°C (0.04°F) / year
Relative Humidity:
Measurement range
0 to 100%RH
Internal resolution
Accuracy (overall error)
2.05%RH typical (10 to 90%RH)
Long term stability
<0.25%RH / year
Logging Rate
User selectable between 10 seconds and 12 hours
Battery Life
3 Years
英国LASCAR EL-USB-2+高精度温湿度数据记录仪
英国LASCAR EL-USB-2+高精度温湿度数据记录仪
英国LASCAR EL-USB-2+高精度温湿度数据记录仪
英国LASCAR EL-USB-2+高精度温湿度数据记录仪