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现在位置首页>行业专用>生命科学仪器>细胞分析系统>Biorep Perifusion System 生物流体灌注系统 细胞分泌分析系统
Biorep Perifusion System 生物流体灌注系统 细胞分泌分析系统
Biorep Perifusion System 生物流体灌注系统 细胞分泌分析系统
  • Biorep Perifusion System 生物流体灌注系统 细胞分泌分析系统

Biorep Perifusion System 生物流体灌注系统 细胞分泌分析系统


更新时间:2014/6/18 14:40:15



号:perifusion system

厂商性质: 生产型,贸易型,服务型,

公司名称: 上海臻和生物科技有限公司



王天哲 : (13816586920) (021-61550061)


Biorep 是成立于上世纪80年代,座落在美国迈阿密的一家致力于开发医疗和生命科学研究完全解决方案的公司。其产品具有ISO-13485和FDA认证,包括人类因子工程学,用户界面设计,系统解决方案(包括机械,电气,软件),可用行测试,个性化定制和其他医疗器械。目前其产品广泛应用于大学,研究所以及世界500强公司的生产研究中。



The Perifusion System is used to perform in-vitro testing of islets of Langerhans. These cells act as natural sensors of glucose in the pancreas. We have developed a Perifusion System which enables a group of islets to be bathed with different solutions containing varying concentrations of glucose and/or secretagoges in a controlled temperature environment.

The perfusing fluid is pushed by a peristaltic pump through a sample container with the islets, and the perfusate is collected in a 96 well plate for further analysis. The well plate moves automatically accordingly to the number of sample containers in use and the preset sampling rate. The well plate is kept to the desired temperature using an external water or alcohol circulating unit.

The system can accommodate one to twelve sample containers at a time. The Perifusion System can be used as a tool to assess the quality of the islets prior to transplantation.

Features:?Touch-screen interface
?96-well plate compatible (standard or deep-well)
?12-channel precision peristaltic pump
?Accurate chamber air temperature control
?96-well plate cooling system
?Automatic fluid handling sytem
?Customized protocol implementation
?Available in Fully Automatic or Semi-Automatic versions