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  • Ziplex®多路RNA和蛋白质密度芯片平台



更新时间:2023/4/3 18:11:18




厂商性质: 生产型,

公司名称: 世联博研(北京)科技有限公司



王荣 : (18618101725) (18618101725)


The Ziplex® Research System is a low density microarray platform that is designed for routine and focused multiplex analysis for customized applications in RNA and protein research. Unlike expensive, high density microarray systems that overwhelm researchers with large amount of unnecessary data, the Ziplex uses a highly reproducible, low density array to provide expression information on specific genetic and protein biomarker signatures. It uniquely combines three separate automated functions (hybridization/protein binding, washing/labeling and imaging) into a single bench top instrument providing researchers with a highly flexible platform that is fast and simple to use.

For more information on the Ziplex System, please download our latest brochure.

The Ziplex System Features:

  • Flow-Thru Chip Technology – enables fast hybridization times of less than 1.5 hours, protein binding of less than 10 minutes
  • Low Density Microarrays - provides quantitative data on 120 or more different biomarkers on each microarray
  • Automated – with a load, lock and leave functionality minimizing user interaction to only sample preparation, workflow entry, and sample and reagent loading
  • Rapid Throughput – runs up to 8 gene expression samples per run in just 3 hours allowing up to 24 tests per day, even faster for protein analysis
  • Built-in image capture and analysis software – delivers easy-to-interpret reports on well defined arrays of biomarkers
  • High Sensitivity – detection limit of 0.22 picomolar of synthetic oligonucleotide
  • Single, Robust Platform for both gene and protein expression analysis with high inter-assay and inter-instrument reproducibility
  • Affordable – low cost per data point; eliminates the need to send samples to core lab facilities by providing an easily accessible bench-top platform

Figure 1 – View of the Ziplex automation process with attached TipChip and the resulting expression outputs.