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nCounter Rat miRNA Expression Assay Kit
nCounter Rat miRNA Expression Assay Kit
  • nCounter Rat miRNA Expression Assay Kit

nCounter Rat miRNA Expression Assay Kit


更新时间:2023/4/3 18:11:18



号:nCounter Rat miRNA E

厂商性质: 生产型,

公司名称: 世联博研(北京)科技有限公司



王荣 : (18618101725) (18618101725)



Assay Highlights

  • Transcriptome-level coverage
  • Specificity and sensitivity comparable to qPCR
  • No amplification required
  • Simple multiplexed sample prep
  • Compatible with Total purified RNA and FFPE-derived total RNA

Comprehensive Coverage with Gold-Standard Results.

NanoString's miRNA CodeSets have the multiplexing capabilities of a microarray with specificity and sensitivity comparable to qPCR – all at a fraction of the cost.

Built on the same innovative technology that forms the foundation of the NanoString Gene Expression CodeSets, the nCounter miRNA Expression Assay Kits are the first and only product capable of highly multiplexed, direct digital detection and counting of miRNAs in a single reaction without amplification.

With multiplexed target profiling of miRNA transcriptomes in a single reaction, the nCounter miRNA Expression Assay Kits deliver high levels of sensitivity, specificity, precision, and linearity across a wide range of research areas such as oncology, neurobiology, developmental biology, and stem-cell research.

The off-the-shelf kits arrive in your lab with the highly multiplexed CodeSet and all of the reagents and consumables necessary to perform the assay. Kits are available in 12, 24, 48, and 96 reactions sizes, offering flexibility and greater access to the technology for labs and projects of all sizes.

nCounter Rat miRNA Expression Assay Kit

A comprehensive collection of more than 400 Rat miRNAs derived from miRBase. Download: Product Data Sheet; Download: Gene List