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现在位置首页>自动化仪器仪表>流量仪表>涡街流量计> Endress+Hauser e+h法兰型湿蒸气专用涡街流量计F200/72F/73F


Endress+Hauser e+h法兰型湿蒸气专用涡街流量计F200/72F/73F

价    格:询价

产    地:江苏更新时间:2021/9/10 14:45:14

品    牌:恩德斯豪斯型    号:F200/72F/73F

状    态:正常点击量:1710



联 系 人:王远清

电     话:13632532582

传     真:0755-86008239

等     级: (第 9年)

性     质:贸易型,


Prowirl F 测量管是重型应用场合的首选。历经考验、具有专利的电容性DSC电容性传感器,即使在最艰难的测量环境也能保证高精福测量值。Prowirl F200提供湿蒸汽检测技术和真实的满足行业标准的两线制技术,无缝集成到现有的基础设施和控制系统。由于本质安全设计和熟练的安装,即使在危险区域也能有高度的操作安全。

Endress+Hauser  e+h法兰型湿蒸气专用涡街流量计F200/72F/73F优势

  • 内置温度测量,用于饱和蒸汽质量和能量流测量 (opt.)。

  • 最高过程安全性:dualsens型可实现冗余测量

  • 高可用性:稳定性好,抗震性强,抗温度冲击和水锤冲击

  • 免维修:生命周期标定

  • 仪表接线方便,独立接线腔

  • 操作安全:显示模块带触摸控制,背光显示,无需打开仪表操作

  • 内置验证技术:心跳技术

Endress+Hauser  e+h法兰型湿蒸气专用涡街流量计F200/72F/73F应用领域

  • 湿蒸气/饱和蒸气/过热蒸气体&液体(包括低温液体)测量首选。

  • 应用范围广:蒸气测量首选


  • 湿蒸汽检测范围:DN 25 至 100 (1 至 4")

  • 进口补偿

  • 根据行业标准定制安装开档长度

  • 显示模块带数据传输功能

  • 坚固耐用的双腔室外壳

  • 工厂安全:全球范围内认证(SIL, 危险区域)


Endress+Hauser  e+h法兰型湿蒸气专用涡街流量计F200/72F/73F特征和规格

主要特点The flowmeter for accurate steam flow measurement with wet steam detection, available as compact or remote version. Integrated temp. measuring for mass/ energy flow of saturated steam. Suitable for a wide range of applications; optimized for steam applications.
特点Highest process safety – dualsens version enables redundant measurement. High availability – proven robustness, resistance to vibrations, temperature shocks & water hammer. No maintenance – lifetime calibration. Wet steam detection and measurement for DN 25 to 100 (1 to 4"). Inlet run compensation.
Transmitter featuresConvenient device wiring – separate connection compartment. Safe operation – no need to open the device due to display with touch control, background lighting. Integrated verification – Heartbeat Technology. Display module with data transfer function. Robust dual-compartment housing.
直径DN 15 to 300 (? to 12")
Wetted materialsMeasuring tube: 1.4408 (C3FM); CX2MW similar to Alloy C22, 2.4602
DSC sensor: 1.4435 (316/316L); UNS N06022 similar to Alloy C22, 2.4602
Connection: 1.4404 (F316/F316L); CX2MW similar to Alloy C22, 2.4602; 1.4408 (CF3M)
Measured variablesVolume flow, mass flow, corrected volume flow, energy flow, heat flow difference, temperature
测量误差Volume flow (liquid): ±0.75 %
Volume flow (steam, gas): ±1.00 %
Mass flow (liquid): ±0.85%
Mass flow (steam,, gas): ±1.7 %
量程Liquid: 0.16 to 2412 m3/h (0.09 to 1420 ft3/min)
depending on medium: water with 1 bar a, 20 °C (14.5 psi a, 68° F)
Steam, gas: 2 to 32 166 m3/h (1.18 to 18 932 ft3/min)
depending on medium: steam with 180 °C, 10 bar a (356 °F, 145 psi a); air with 25 °C, 4.4 bar a (77 °F, 63.8 psi a)
压力范围PN 40, Class 300, 20K
过程温度Standard: –40 to +260 °C (–40 to +500 °F)
High/low temperature (option): –200 to +400 °C (–328 to +752 °F)
High/low temperature (on request): –200 to +450 °C (–328 to +842 °F)
环境温度Compact version (standard): –40 to +80 °C (–40 to +176 °F)
Compact version (option): –50 to +80 °C (–58 to +176 °F)
Remote version (standard): –40 to +85 °C (–40 to +185 °F)
Remote version (option): –50 to +85 °C (–58 to +185 °F)
Sensor housing materialSensor connection housing: AlSi10Mg, coated; 1.4408 (CF3M)
Transmitter housing materialAlSi10Mg, coated; 1.4404 (316L)
电子插件的防护Compact version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure
Sensor remote version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure
Transmitter remote version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure
显示/操作4‐line backlit display with touch control (operation from outside)
Configuration via local display and operating tools possible
Remote display available
输出4‐20 mA HART (passive)
4‐20 mA (passive)
Pulse/frequency/switch output (passive)
输入Current input 4‐20 mA (passive)
Power supplyDC 12 to 35 V (4‐20 mA HART with/without pulse/frequency/switch output)
DC 12 to 30 V (4‐20 mA HART, 4‐20 mA)
DC 12 to 35 V (4‐20 mA HART, pulse/frequency/switch output, 4‐20 mA input)
DC 9 to 32 V (PROFIBUS PA, pulse/frequency/switch output)
Functional safetyFunctional safety according to IEC 61508, applicable in safety-relevant applications in accordance with IEC 61511
Metrological approvals and certificatesCalibration performed on accredited calibration facilities (acc. to ISO/IEC 17025) 
Heartbeat Technology complies with the requirements for traceable verification according to ISO 9001:2008 – Section 7.6 a (TüV attestation) 
Pressure approvals and certificatesPED, CRN, AD 2000 
Material certificates3.1 material 
NACE MR0175/MR0103, PMI (on request); welding test acc. to ISO 15614‐1, similar to ASME IX (on request) 
