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现在位置首页>自动化仪器仪表>流量仪表>蒸气流量计> Endress+Hauser e+h法兰型热式质量流量计A150


Endress+Hauser e+h法兰型热式质量流量计A150

价    格:询价

产    地:江苏更新时间:2021/9/10 14:45:14

品    牌:恩德斯豪斯型    号:A150

状    态:正常点击量:1423



联 系 人:王远清

电     话:13632532582

传     真:0755-86008239

等     级: (第 9年)

性     质:贸易型,


The t-mass A 150流量计专门适用于经济型测量和常用气体的简单监测,特别应用于压缩空气。它是亚计量应用中的趋势,坚固的一体式铝合金外壳,使用四线制技术。有带显示器和无显示器版本可选。用户特定的设置可以保存在显示器上,也可以通过显示器从一台设备传递到另一台设备。

Endress+Hauser e+h法兰型热式质量流量计A150优势

  • 适合小口径中空气、氮气、二氧化碳和氩气的测量

  • 优化过程监测:即使在低压和低流速中也能方便的测量

  • 经济型测量:安装简便,压损可忽略不计,免维护

  • 可靠流量趋势:多变量测量

  • 快速有效调试:引导式操作菜单

  • 高工厂适应性:自诊断和错误监测

  • 自动恢复数据,便于服务

Endress+Hauser e+h法兰型热式质量流量计A150应用领域

  • 该测量原理具有高可操作测量范围,能直接测量质量流量

  • 适用于小口径管道内的空气、氮气、二氧化碳和氩气测量


  • 插入型适用于公称管径为 DN 15~ 50 (1/2 ~ 2")的管道

  • 过程压力可达 PN 40, Class 300

  • 多种过程连接形式可选

  • 一体化型带 DC 24 V 电源供电

  • 4-20 mA HART, 脉冲/频率/开关量输出

  • 紧凑和坚固的变送器


Endress+Hauser e+h法兰型热式质量流量计A150特征和规格

主要特点The flowmeter for cost‐effective measurement and easy monitoring of utility gases. Suitable for air, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and argon in small line sizes.
特点Optimal process monitoring – easy measurement even at low pressures and flow velocities. Costeffective measurement – easy installation, negligible pressure loss and maintenance‐free. Reliable flow trending – multivariable measurement. Inline version: nominal diameter DN 15 to 50 (? to 2").
Process pressure up to PN 40, Class 300.
Transmitter featuresFast and efficient commissioning – guided operating menus. High plant availability – self‐diagnostics and error monitoring. Automatic recovery of data for servicing. Device in compact version with DC 24 V power supply. 4‐20 mA HART, pulse/frequency/switch output.
直径DN 15 to 50 (? to 2")
Wetted materialsTransducer: 1.4404 (316L)
Insertion tube: 1.4404 (316L)
Measuring tube: 1.4404 (316L); 1.4435 (316L)
Connection: 1.4404 (F316/F316L); 1.4404 (316L); 1.4435 (316L)
Measured variablesMass flow, temperature, corrected volume flow, FAD volume flow
测量误差3 % o.r.
4 % o.r.
5 % o.f.s.
(depending on chosen option of ordering feature "Calibration flow")
量程0.5 to 910 kg/h (1.1 to 2002 lb/h)
0.5 to 1365 kg/h (1.1 to 3003 lb/h)
(for air, depending on chosen option of ordering feature "Calibration flow")
压力范围PN 40, Class 300
过程温度–40 to +100 °C (–40 to +212 °F)
环境温度–40 to +60 °C (–40 to +140 °F)
Transmitter housing materialAlSi10Mg, coated
电子插件的防护IP66/67, type 4X enclosure
显示/操作4‐line display with push Buttons
Configuration via local display and operating tools possible
输出4‐20 mA HART (active)
Pulse/frequency/switch output (passive)
输入Status input
Power supplyDC 18 to 30 V
防爆认证ATEX, IECEx, cCSAus
Metrological approvals and certificatesCalibration performed on accredited calibration facilities (acc. to ISO/IEC 17025), NAMUR
Pressure approvals and certificatesPED, CRN
