
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜



价    格:询价

产    地:美国更新时间:2021/9/10 14:45:14

品    牌:Signal Recovery型    号:197

状    态:正常点击量:2516



联 系 人:刘先生

电     话:86-15010150340

传     真:86-10-58237188

等     级: (第 17年)

性     质:生产型,贸易型,服务型,


The model 197 is a compact, high performance, low-cost optical chopper, offering features and benefits that are ideal for use in modern photometric systems.

The unit is self contained, comprising a dual aperture chopper blade, motor and the necessary driving electronics. Each aperture provides an independent reference output allowing simultaneous dual frequency operation (10:1 ratio) or dual-path experiments. Frequency control is by a precision internal oscillator set by a 4-digit push-button selector on the unit or by the application of an external AC reference signal. The unit is powered via a remote line power supply.

Mounting holes are provided in the base and right-hand side of the housing (viewed from the front) to allow for mounting the model 197 onto an optical bench or support rod.


  Frequency 15 Hz to 3000 Hz
      outer sector 150 Hz to 3000 Hz
      inner sector 15 Hz to 300 Hz
      manual Digital push-button
      external Application of 0.5 V to 10 V sine or squarewave, 150 Hz to 3000 Hz to Sync In BNC connector
  Internal Frequency  
      accuracy ±20 ppm at 25 °C
      stability ±30 ppm/ °C (range -10 °C to 60 °C)
  Jitter (measured pk-pk and presented as a % of a full cycle)  
      outer sector  
          150 to 500 Hz blade only: 0.5%; blade + electronics: 1.5%
          500 to 3000 Hz blade only: 0.5%; blade + electronics: 1.0%
      inner sector  
          15 to 50 Hz blade only: 0.5%; blade + electronics: 1.5%
          50 to 300 Hz blade only: 0.5%; blade + electronics: 1.0%
  Lock indication Bicolor LED, showing Red when unlocked and Green when locked
  Settling Time


7 s nominal at 1 kHz from switch-on;
9 s nominal for frequency change from 150 to 3000 Hz;
30 s nominal for frequency change from 3000 to 150 Hz
Outputs Sync Out 1 10 V pk-pk squarewave at outer sector chopping frequency, 150 - 3000 Hz
  Sync Out 2 10 V pk-pk squarewave at inner sector chopping frequency, 15 - 300 Hz
  Connectors BNC
  Impedance 10 kW. Note that although the output voltage is 10 V pk-pk, the high output impedance means that the outputs can be directly connected to the Reference Frequency input of any SIGNAL RECOVERY lock-in amplifier without causing problems.
Power Requirements Via power adapter for 110 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 220/240 V AC, 50/60 Hz or external isolated 17 V to 20 V DC or AC rms. supply. State which voltage is required when ordering
Dimensions 4" high x 4.8" wide x 1.7" deep
(104 mm wide x 122mm wide x 44mm deep)
Weight 1 lb (0.45 kg) excluding power supply
