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热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜
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现在位置:首页>实验室原料试剂耗材>化学试剂>煤炭石油标准物质> 150-700-003世界油标创始公司-CONOSTAN油标-PremiSolv溶剂
价 格:询价
产 地:美国更新时间:2021/9/10 14:45:14
品 牌:Conostan型 号:150-700-003
状 态:正常点击量:3116
联 系 人:孙经理
电 话:021-62837120/21/62/12
传 真:021-62837112
等 级: (第 17年)
性 质:生产型,贸易型,
PremiSolv is a zero-odor alternative to kerosene or xylene for use as a diluent or zero-point standard in ICP/DCP analysis of metals in oil and other organic fluids. PremiSolv Features: * Extremely low odor - for a safer, more comfortable working environment * Extremely low toxicity - compared with kerosene or xylene * Extremely low metal content - comes with a certificate of analysis listing the concentrations of 33 different metals and sulfur * Non-hazardous - for shipping and disposal
* PremiSolv Flyer (PDF, 8,484KB)