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1-Material太阳能聚合物PCPDTBT OS0340

价    格:30000

产    地:加拿大更新时间:2021/9/10 14:45:14

品    牌:加拿大1-Material化学试剂型    号:PCPDTBT OS0340

状    态:正常点击量:2225



联 系 人:李扬

电     话:0755-23003036

传     真:0755-23003036

等     级: (第 8年)

性     质:生产型,贸易型,



Reproducibility matters, Organic Nano Electronic(ONE=1) Materials

Along with the growing interest in organic nano electronics, comes an increase in the inconsistencies associated with the performance of a given organic electronic material.

1-Material太阳能聚合物PCPDTBT OS0340

Differences and non-reproducibility are apparent from one report to another, from one organization to another, and from one test to another even in the same laboratory and tested by the same scientist or engineer. Without a standard material, the reported data lose their significance for comparison and validation.

Without a standard material, the industry loses its potential for scale-up and commercialization.

1-Material Inc. sees the need and the necessity to standardize Organic Nano Electronic (ONE=1) materials for organic thin film applications and also understands the challenges to do so.

1-Material太阳能聚合物PCPDTBT OS0340

With its accumulated experience in synthesis, purification, formulation and characterization, the company is extending its focus to processing and validation.

Rather than to continuously pursue innovative structures, the company has dedicated itself to standardize these classic and most common studied materials and to make them reliable and reproducible.

1-Material太阳能聚合物PCPDTBT OS0340






Reproducibility matters, Organic Nano Electronic(Materials

Along with the growing interest in organic nano electronics, comes an increase in the inconsistencies associated with the performance of a given organic electronic material.

1-Material太阳能聚合物PCPDTBT OS0340

Differences and non-reproducibility are apparent from one report to another, from one organization to another, and from one test to another even in the same laboratory and tested by the same scientist or engineer. Without a standard material, the reported data lose their significance for comparison and validation.

Without a standard material, the industry loses its potential for scale-up and commercialization.

1-Material太阳能聚合物PCPDTBT OS0340

1-Material Inc. sees the need and the necessity to standardize Organic Nano Electronic (materials for organic thin film applications and also understands the challenges to do so.

With its accumulated experience in synthesis, purification, formulation and characterization, the company is extending its focus to processing and validation.

Rather than to continuously pursue innovative structures, the company has dedicated itself to standardize these classic and most common studied materials and to make them reliable and reproducible.

1-Material太阳能聚合物PCPDTBT OS0340


加拿大1-Material化学试剂PCPDTBT OS0340 CAS#920515-34-0,加拿大1-Material半导体聚合物,加拿大1-Material太阳能电池,加拿大1-Material富勒烯衍受体,加拿大1-Material低带隙聚合物,加拿大1-Material聚合物,加拿大1-Material有机给受体

1-Material太阳能聚合物PCPDTBT OS0340

Reproducibility matters, Organic Nano Electronic(Materials

Along with the growing interest in organic nano electronics, comes an increase in the inconsistencies associated with the performance of a given organic electronic material.

Differences and non-reproducibility are apparent from one report to another, from one organization to another, and from one test to another even in the same laboratory and tested by the same scientist or engineer. Without a standard material, the reported data lose their significance for comparison and validation.

Without a standard material, the industry loses its potential for scale-up and commercialization.

1-Material Inc. sees the need and the necessity to standardize Organic Nano Electronic (materials for organic thin film applications and also understands the challenges to do so.

1-Material太阳能聚合物PCPDTBT OS0340

With its accumulated experience in synthesis, purification, formulation and characterization, the company is extending its focus to processing and validation.

Rather than to continuously pursue innovative structures, the company has dedicated itself to standardize these classic and most common studied materials and to make them reliable and reproducible.

1-Material太阳能聚合物PCPDTBT OS0340
