--美国iWorx/CBSciences公司Advanced Human Physiology Teaching Kit with Stimulus Isolator Includes: iWorx/214 Four Channel, 100 kHz, 16 bit Computer Interface with Built-In Two Channel Isolated Biopotential Amplifier, 100V Stimulus Isolator with Striated Muscle Transducer, LabScribe Data Acquisition Software for Windows, 5 Lead ECG/EMG/EEG Cable, Stimulator Cable, BNC-to-BNC Cable, USB Cable, Spirometer, Hand Dynamometer, Pulse Plethysmograph, Event Marker, Blood Pressure Cuff with Stethoscope, Temperature Probe, 150 Disposable Electrodes and Courseware in HTML, PDF and Hard Copy Formats.
214四通道数据记录器 & LabScribe数据记录分析软件;
Teaching: GA-200 CO2 and O2 Gas Analyzer
The GA-200 is a gas analyzer that integrates the sampling system with the sensors to create a compact, easy to use, and affordable unit for measuring the concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Read the news release, obtain more product information and download the Basal Metabolic Rate experiment.
iWorx 214 Recorder
iWorx IX-214仪器的原理及用途
iWorx IX-214是一個堅固耐用且可信賴的四頻道數據紀錄系統。其外觀是由壓縮鋁一體成型,因此可避免學生接觸到這些內藏的控制和調整元件。在大部份的實驗中,設定是自動且簡單的。只需要點一下滑鼠就可把生理訊號收集記錄起來,藉由軟體強大的分析功能可以針對各種不同性質的實驗搭配不同的Transducers來做不同的分析,如:EEG、ECG、EMG...等等。IX-214內建了兩組針對EEG、ECG、EMG的Amplifier,另外有兩個頻道可以接受任何的Transducers來搭配您的實驗需求,此外也可接受pH meter、spectrophotometer、Blood Pressure...等等和其他實驗室儀器。
IX-214也包含一個功能完全的內建刺激器。此刺激器可以應用在各種不同的人類和動物實驗中。此外,IX-214是藉由USB和電腦相接。其可提供總共100kHz的sampling rate。這樣的頻率已足夠適用在各種不同的教學實驗中。
Teaching: SI-200 Stimulus Isolator with Striated Muscle Transducer and Lab
The SI-200 is a high voltage, isolated stimulator designed to deliver safe, transcutaneous stimulus pulses to a nerve or a muscle being studied. The design of the SI-200 permits the desired current of the stimulus pulse to be generated despite the impedance on the path that the current follows. The SI-200 adjusts the voltage needed to maintain that current automatically by increasing the voltage that drives the current up to a maximum of 150 volts.
Obtain more product information, view a Tech Note, and download the Stimulation of Antagonistic Muscles experiment.
Teaching: GN-100 Goniometer with Lab
The GN-100 single-axis goniometer is a device that can easily measure the degrees of rotation around a joint. The goniometer is composed of a stationary arm that is mounted on the part of the body that does not move, a moveable arm that is attached to the body part on the side of the joint that moves, and a sensor that generates a voltage output that is proportional to the angle between the two arms of the GN-100.
Obtain more product information and download the Flexibility and Range of Motion experiment.
Research: 404 Recorder with LabScribe2 and Pressure Volume Loop Module
The iWorx 404 Recorder is an economical, general purpose data recorder and analysis module that is plug and play compatible for use with any analog amplifiers, probes, transducers, or other accessories. The recorder offers 16-bit data collection at speeds up to 10 KHz, providing acquisition speeds appropriate for most research applications.
The 404 recorder comes with an optional Pressure Volume Loop Module that provides a powerful and easy to use tool for investigators to measure and analyze the hemodynamic parameters of cardiac and pulmonary pressure and volume data acquired by an iWorx recorder for animal investigations. The plug-in software module is compatible with iWorx data acquisition systems.
The Pressure Volume Loop Module for LabSribe2 can be purchased separately as well as an ASCII Text Import Module for LabScribe2 that allows import of text files recorded in other recording programs into LabScribe2 for analysis
Colleges and Universities Using iWorx Physiology Teaching Kits
学院和大学使用iWorx生理学教学器材 用户名单
Following is a partial list of colleges and universities presently using iWorx teaching kits.
Scroll down to find the college or university of interest or click on the state abbreviation in the list below. Schools outside of the U.S. and Canada are listed at the bottom of the list.
U.S. and Canada:
CanadaOutside U.S. and Canada:
United Kingdom
Auburn University
Calhoun State Community College
Carl Albert State College
Concordia College - Selma
Judson College
Northwest-Shoals Community College
Samford University
Troy State University
University of South Alabama
University of West Alabama
Arkansas School for Math and Science
Arkansas State University
Arkansas State University-Newport
Arkansas Tech University
Harding University
John Brown University
National Park Community College
Philander Smith College
Pulaski Technical College
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
University of Arkansas At Pine Bluff
Arizona State University
DeVry University – Phoenix
Northern Arizona University
Pima Community College
Yavapai College
Alhambra High School
Allan Hancock College
Butte College
Cabrillo College
California Baptist University
California Institute of Technology
California Lutheran University
California Polytech University
CSU - Channel Islands
CSU - Dominguez Hills
CSU - Hayward
CSU - Humboldt
CSU - Monterey Bay
CSU - Northridge
CSU - San Bernardino
CSU - Stanislaus
Cerritos College
Chapman University
Concordia University
DeVry University - Fremont
DeVry University - Pomona
East Los Angeles College
El Camino College District
Foothill-DeAnza Community College District
Fullerton College
Holy Names College
La Sierra University
Lake Tahoe Community College District
Madera Community College Center
Marymount College
Mount St. Mary College
Napa Valley College
National University
Pacific Union College
Palmer College of Chiropractic
Palomar Community College
Pepperdine University
Pitzer College
Porterville College
Pomona College
Rancho Santiago Community College District
Reedley College
Riverside Community College-Riverside
Riverside Community College-Norco
St. Mary’s College
Santa Ana College
Santa Clara University
South Orange Community College District
State Center Community College District
UC-San Diego
University of La Verne
University of Redlands
University of Southern California
West Valley-Mission Community College
Yosemite Community College District
Arapahoe Community College
Community College of Aurora-Lowry
DeVry University - Westminster
Front Range Community College - Boulder
Front Range Community College - Larimer
Front Range Community College - Westminster
Northeastern Junior College
United States Air Force Academy
University of Colorado
University of Northern Colorado
Western State College
Greater Hartford Academy of Math & Science
Southern Connecticut State University
Three Rivers Community College
Trinity College
University of Bridgeport
University of Hartford
Yale University
American University
Catholic University of America
Gallaudet University
Howard University
Daytona Beach Community College
DeVry University - Miramar
DeVry University - Orlando
Edison Community College
Edward Waters College
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida S, outhern College
Lake City Community College
Melbourne High School
Nova Southeastern University
Palm Beach Atlantic University
Palm Beach Community College
Stetson University
University of Central Florida
University of Miami
University of North Florida
University of West Florida
Albany State University
Berry College
Coastal Georgia Community College
Coosa Valley Technical College
DeVry University - Decatur
Emory University
Georgia Gwinnett College
Georgia Southwestern State University
Georgia State University
Kennesaw State University
Life University
Macon State College
Mercer University
Middle Georgia College
Southern Polytechnic State University
Brigham Young University
Briar Cliff University
Coe College
Cornell College
Eastern Iowa Community College District
Grand View College
Grinnell College
Iowa Valley Community College District
Luther College
Muscatine Community College
Northeast Iowa Community College
North Iowa Area Community College
Palmer College of Chiropractics
St. Ambrose University
Scott Community College
Southeastern Community College
Waldorf College
Western Iowa Technical Community College
Albertson College of Idaho
Boise State University
BYU - Idaho
Augustana College
Benedictine University
Blackburn College
Chicago State University
DeVry University - Addison
DeVry University - Chicago
DeVry University - Tinley Park
Dominican University
Elmhurst College
Eureka College
Harry S. Truman College
Heartland Community College
Illinois Central Collee
Illinois Wesleyan University
Kankakee Community College
Libertyville High School - Illinois
Loyola University, Chicago
McKendree University
Millikin University
Moraine Valley Community College
Morton College
North Park University
Northwestern University
Olivet Nazarene University
Olney Central College
Parkland College of Natural Sciences
Richard J. Daley College
Rockford College
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Dentistry
Roosevelt University
Southern Illinois University
Trinity Christian College
Trinity International University
Triton University
University of Illinois
University of St. Francis
Vernon Hills High School
Western Illinois University
Wilbur Wright College
Anderson University
DePaul University
Goshen College
Hanover College
Huntington College
Indiana Purdue University
Indiana University Bloomington
Indiana University Columbus
Indiana University Kokomo
Manchester College
Martin University
Purdue University
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
St. Mary of the Woods College
University of Southern Indiana
University of St. Francis
Vincennes University
Allen County Community College
Avila College
Bethany College
Fort Hays State University
Friends University
Haskell Indian Nations University
Johnson County Community College
McPherson College
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Newman University
Ottawa University
Pittsburgh State University
Tabor College
The Kansas City Kansas Community College
University of Kansas
University of Kansas Medical Center
Washburn University
Alice Lloyd College
Centre College
Eastern Kentucky University
Elizabethtown Community & Technical College
Georgetown College
Hopkinsville Community College
Kentucky Community and Technical College System
Kentucky State University
Lindsey Wilson College
Morehead State University
Murray State University
Spalding University
Union College
University of Louisville
Elaine P. Nunez Community College
McNeese State University
Louisiana College
Louisiana Delta Community College
Louisiana State University - Alexandria
Louisiana State University - Eunice
Louisiana State University Health Science Center
Southern University
Boston University
Emmanuel College
Holyoke Community College
Middlesex Community College
Mount Ida College
New England College of Optometry
North Essex Community College
North Shore Community College
Regis College
Simmons College
Smith College
UMass Amherst
UMass Boston
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester State College
Baltimore City Community College
Chesapeake College
Community College of Baltimore County - Essex
Community College of Baltimore County - Catonsville
FDA, Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Goucher College
Howard Community College
Johns Hopkins University
Montgomery College
Salisbury University
Towson University
United States Naval Academy
University of Maryland Baltimore Co.
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Washington College
Bowdoin College
Unity College
University of Maine-Farmington
University of New England
Albion College
Alma College
Aquinas College
Finlandia University
Glen Oaks Community College
Grand Valley State University
Henry Ford Community College
Hillsdale College
Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Kellogg Community College
Lake Michigan College
Macomb Community College
Michigan State University
Montcalm Community College
Muskegon Community College
Northern Michigan University
Oakland University
St. Clari County Community College
University of Detroit-Mercy
Alexandria Technical College
Augsburg College
College of St. Catherine
College of St. Scholastica
Concordia College
Dakota County Technical College
Fond Du Lac Tribal & Community College
Hennepin Technical College
Minnesota State Community and Technical College
Minnesota State University
North Hennepin Community College
Northwestern College
Northwestern Health Sciences University
Sartell High School
St. Olaf College
Wayne State University
Winona State University
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Avila College
Central Methodist University, MO
Columbia College
Crowder College
DeVry University - Kansas City
East Central College
Fontbonne University
Harris-Stowe State College
Jefferson College
Maple Woods Community College
Mineral Area College
Missouri State University
Missouri Western State College
Penn Valley Community College
Rockhurst University
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
University of Missouri
Westminster College
William Jewell College
Drury University
Stone Child College
University of Montana
University of Montana College of Technology
Alamance Community College
Belmont Abbey College
Bennett College
Brevard College
Campbell University
Cape Fear Community College
Duke University
Durham Technical Community College
Elizabeth City State University
Fayetteville Technical Community College
Forsyth Technical Community College
Greensboro College
Guilford College
Mars Hill College
Meredith College
Nash Community College
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina Wesleyan College
Pfeiffer University
Queens College
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College
Spartanburg Community College
South Piedmont Community College
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Wake Forest University
Wayne Community College
Wilkes Community College
Wingate University
Winston-Salem State University
North Dakota State College of Science
University of North Dakota
Bellevue University
College of St. Mary - Omaha
Creighton University
Little Priest Tribal College
Methodist Hospital
Midland Lutheran College
Southeast Community College
University of Nebraska - Kearny
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of Nebraska Medical Center
York College
Plymouth State University
University of New Hampshire
College of New Jersey
Cumberland County Community College
DeVry University - North Brunswick
Georgian Court University
Gloucester County College
Kean University
New Jersey City University
Raritan Valley Community College
Rider University
Rowan University
Rutgers University - Piscataway
Rutgers University -Camden College
Somerset County Vocational Tech
Stevens Institute of Technology
William Paterson University
Clovis Community College
New Mexico Highlands University
Taos High School
University of New Mexico
University of Nevada - Las Vegas
University of Nevada - Reno
Western Nevada Community College
Albany College of Phamacy
Alfred University
Bard College
College of Staten Island
Cornell University
DeVry University - Long Island City
Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Hartwick College
Herkimer County Community College
Hudson Valley Community College
Keuka College
Long Island University
Marymount Manhattan College
Nazareth College
New York Institute of Technology
Niagara County Community College
Niagara University
Paul Smith’s College
Polytechnic University of NYU
Queens College
Roberts Wesleyan College
St. Elizabeth College of Nursing
St. Frances College
St. John Fisher College
St. Joseph's College - New York
St. Joseph's College - Patchogue
St. Thomas Aquinas College
St. Lawrence University
Suffolk County Community College
SUNY Albany
SUNY Plattsburgh
York College - City University of NY
Ashland University
Capital University
Central State University
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
Clark State Community College
College of Wooster
Denison University
DeVry University - Columbus
Franciscan University
Hiram College
John Carroll University
Kettering Memorial Hospital
Malone College
Marion Technical College
Medical College of Ohio
Miami University
Muskingum College
North Central State College
Ohio State University
Ohio University Southern
Sinclair Community College
University of Cincinnatti
Upper Arlington Community College
Wright State University
Youngstown State University
Oklahoma Christian College
Oklahoma City Community College
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma State University - College of Osteopathic Medicine
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
University of Central Oklahoma
Clackamas Community College
Columbia Gorge Community College
Oregon Health Science University
Oregon State University
Pacific University
University of Oregon
Western Oregon State College
Albright College
Allegheny General Hospital
Alvernia College
Arcadia University
Bloomsburg University
Butler County Community College
Cabrini College
Cedar Crest College
Chatham College
DeVry University - Ft. Washington
Duquesne University
Erie Institute of Technology
Gannon University
Geneva College
Gettysburg College
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Juniata College
King College
Lancaster General College
Lebanon Valley College
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Mercyhurst College
Muhlenberg College
Penn State Dubios
St. Joseph’s University
Thiel College
Thomas Jefferson Medical College
University of Pittsburgh
University of the Sciences-Philadelphia
Villanova University
Washington & Jefferson College
Widener University
Wilkes University
York College of Pennsylvania
Brown University
LaSalle Academy
Rhode Island College
Benedict College
Clemson University
Coastal Carolina University
College of Charleston
Converse College
Erskine College
Furman University
Limestone College
North Greenville College
South Carolina State University
Southern Wesleyan University
Tri-County Technical College
University of South Carolina - Aiken
University of South Carolina - Beaufort
University of South Dakota
Dyersburg State Community College
King College
Lambuth University
Roane State Tech Community College
Southern Adventis University
Tennessee State University
Tennessee Wesleyan College
Union University
University of Tennessee - Chattanooga
University of Tennessee – Knoxville
University of the South
Vanderbilt University
Abilene Christian University
Alamo Community College
Auburn University
Austin College
Austin Community College
Baylor University
Blinn College
Christian Brothers University
Dallas Baptist University
DeVry University - Irving
DeVry University - Houston
El Centro College
Frank Phillips College
Galveston College
Hardin-Simmons University
Houston Community College
Lamar University
Lubbock Christian University
McMurry University
Midlothian High School South
North Harris Montgomery Community College
Our Lady of the Lake University
Rice University
St. Mary's University
Sam Houston State University
San Antonio Community College
Temple College
Texas A&M University-Galveston
Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Texas Lutheran University
Texas Southern University
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Texas Women's University
Trinity University
Tyler Junior College
University of Dallas
University of North Texas Health Science Center
University of Texas – Arlington
University of Texas - Brownsville
Brigham Young University
Salt Lake Community College
Utah State University
Utah Valley State College
Weber State University
Westminster College
Middlebury College
University of Vermont
Blue Ridge Community College
Bluefield College
Bridgewater College
Christopher Newport University
College of William and Mary
Emory and Henry College
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College
James Madison University
Lord Fairfax Community College
Lynchburg College
Mary Baldwin College
Medical College of Virginia
Old Dominion University
Rappahannock Community College - King George
Rappahannock Community College - Warsaw
Shenandoah University
Southwest Virginia Governor’s College
Sweet Briar College
Tidewater Community College
University of Virginia - College at Wise
Virginia Intermont College
Virginia State University
Community Colleges of Spokane
DeVry University - Federal Way
Lake Washington Technical College
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
Skagit Valley College
South Puget Sound Community College
Whitman College
Whitworth College
Mountain State University
North Seattle Community College
West Virginia Northern Community College
West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine
West Virginia State University
West Virginia University
West Virginia University School of Medicine
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Wheeling Jesuit University
Beloit College
Carroll College
Concordia University
Lakeland College
Marian College of Fond Du Lac
Marshall University
Ohio Valley University
Pierpont Community and Tech College
Ripon College
St. Norbert College
University of Wisconsin Medical Center
University of Wisconsin – Barron County
University of Wisconsin – Fon Du Lac
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
University of Wisconsin - Manitowoc
University of Wisconsin – Marathon County
University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
University of Wisconsin - Parkside
University of Wisconsin - Platteville
University of Wisconsin – Richland
University of Wisconsin Washington County
University of Wisconsin – Waukesha
University of Wisconsin – Whitewater
West Liberty University
Northern Wyoming Community College
University of Wyoming
Institute of Animal Health & Veterinary Biologicals
Universite Libre De Bruxelles
Voorzitter Subfaculteit Geneeskunde
Alliance University College
Brandon University
Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine
Carleton University
Concordia University, College of Alberta
Cornell College
Durham College
John Abbott College
Malaspina University
McMaster University
St. Francis Xavier University
Toronto Rehab Institute
Trinity Western University
University College of the Cariboo
University of British Columbia
University of Guelph
University of New Brunswick
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
University of Ottawa
University of Saskatchewan
University of Toronto
University of Waterloo
University of Windsor
University of Victoria
University of Denmark
Universite Laval
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
Nirma University of Science and Technology
Jordan University of Science and Technology
Kyungbuk National University
Universidad de Guadalajara
University of Oslo
Newman University College Birmingham
University of Cardiff
University of Central Lancashire
University of Hertfordshire