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爱尔兰Cellix生物芯片VenaEC? Biochip

价    格:询价

产    地:其他国家更新时间:2024/2/22 18:31:21

品    牌:Cellix型    号:爱尔兰Cellix

状    态:正常点击量:2082



联 系 人:刘意

电     话:0731-89820291

传     真:0731-89820291

等     级: (第 16年)

性     质:生产型,贸易型,服务型,


VenaEC™ Biochip:
For cell-cell interaction studies under conditions mimicking physiological flow

The VenaEC™ Biochip contains a tissue culture treated substrate which enables the seeding and culturing of endothelial cells with 2 parallel microcapillaries which are sealed on top via a customised frame. Cells derived from different endothelial tissues can be grown easily on the VenaEC Biochips. Cell suspensions may then be injected using the MirusTM Nanopump which supports a range of shear stresses for dynamic flow based assays.
VenaEC™ Biochip is supplied with 4 substrates and in packs of 10,facilitating 80 experiments per pack.

• Suitable for a wide range of cell suspensions.
• Easy to seed substrates with a range of different endothelial cells.
• Biochip plastic is optically clear permitting detailed microscopy studies.
• 0.05 – 20 dyne/cm2 shear stresses easily obtained and controlled by the MirusTM Nanopump and FlowAssay software.
• Shear stress may be preset to be incrementally increased during an assay.
• Real time imaging under flow conditions.
• Suitable for use with whole blood.
