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现货,NE-300 Just Infusion™ Syringe Pump,NE-300

价    格:询价

产    地:美国更新时间:2021/9/10 14:45:14

品    牌:syringepump型    号:NE-300

状    态:正常点击量:1323



联 系 人:王荣

电     话:18618101725

传     真:010-67529703

等     级: (第 14年)

性     质:生产型,


NE-300 Just Infusion? Syringe Pump

NE-300 Just Infusion?注射泵

Model: NE-300


Just the features that you want, and none that you don't want to pay for.

  • Holds 1 Syringe from micro-liter sizes up to 60 mL. (140 mL partially filled)

  • Infusion rates from 0.73 μL/hr (1 mL syringe) to 1500 mL/hr (60 mL syringe)

  • Easy-to-use keypad interface: Set the syringe diameter, pumping rate, press Start

  • Pumps continuously until you stop the pump

  • Syringe purge mode

  • Power failure mode allows pump to continue      pumping after a reset

  • Displays total volume dispensed in mL or μL units

  • Infusion rate can be changed while pumping

  • Selectable infusion rates units: mL/hr, μL/hr,      mL/min, μL/min

  • Space Saving Chassis: Foot print size of only 5      3/4" x 8 3/4"

  • Won't take up unnecessary space on your      laboratory or production bench

  • Remembers previous settings on power up

  • Precise reproducible flow rates

  • Operates from included 12VDC power supply. Worldwide power supplies available

  • Disposable, Glass, Stainless Steel Syringes and Plumbing Supplies are sold separately. Pictured Syringe is for Demonstration purposes only.

Infuses Only!

  • Does not withdraw, no volume target, no computer interface or programmability.

  • Just the features that you want to pay for!

世联博研是flexcell中国授权代理商,授权代理FX-5000C细胞压力加载,FX-5000T细胞应力加载,STR-4000细胞流体切应力,TissueTrain三维细胞组织培养,Flex_SFlexJr显微应力加载系,FlexFlow显微切应力加载,HiQFlowmate液体控,flexsan自动扫描设备和XyFlEX计算软件,OsciFlow_切应力模式控制器,切应力模式控制器,FlexStop真空隔离阀,TTPlate三维细胞培养板,BioFlex培养板,BioFlex(flexcell双向应力培养板),UniFlex(flexcell双向应力培养板),BioPress压力加载配套的BioPress培养板,细胞培养载片,圆形TTCircular三维细胞培养板,HI bioFlex培养板,SFMembrane_硅胶膜,单细胞、单分子牵引应变系统,单个细胞操纵系统,单个病毒操纵系统,单个核酸操纵系统,单个纳米颗粒操纵系统,单个碳纳米管操纵系统,单个蛋白质可逆纳米级操作系统,BioFactory细胞组织三维打印系统,3DDiscovery细胞组织三维打印系统,facsinapetri代理,Cell sorting directly from the Petri dish,全自动单细胞筛选、提取、沉积设备,全自动单细胞筛选仪,全自动单细胞提取仪,全自动单细胞沉积仪,BioRam 活体单细胞显微激光拉曼光谱仪,活态单细胞激光拉曼光谱无损测定鉴别系统,如何怎么样选择选购三维细胞培养系统,如何怎么样选择选购光镊系统,如何怎么样选择选购细胞分选仪器系统,CalScreener无标记细胞能量代谢实时测定仪,高灵敏细胞微量量热系统

现货,NE-300 Just Infusion? Syringe Pump,NE-300


NE-300 Just Infusion? Syringe Pump

NE-300 Just Infusion?注射泵

Model: NE-300


Just the features that you want, and none that you don't want to pay for.

  • Holds 1 Syringe from micro-liter sizes up to 60 mL. (140 mL partially filled)

  • Infusion rates from 0.73 μL/hr (1 mL syringe) to 1500 mL/hr (60 mL syringe)

  • Easy-to-use keypad interface: Set the syringe diameter, pumping rate, press Start

  • Pumps continuously until you stop the pump

  • Syringe purge mode

  • Power failure mode allows pump to continue      pumping after a reset

  • Displays total volume dispensed in mL or μL units

  • Infusion rate can be changed while pumping

  • Selectable infusion rates units: mL/hr, μL/hr,      mL/min, μL/min

  • Space Saving Chassis: Foot print size of only 5      3/4" x 8 3/4"

  • Won't take up unnecessary space on your      laboratory or production bench

  • Remembers previous settings on power up

  • Precise reproducible flow rates

  • Operates from included 12VDC power supply. Worldwide power supplies available

  • Disposable, Glass, Stainless Steel Syringes and Plumbing Supplies are sold separately. Pictured Syringe is for Demonstration purposes only.


NE-300 Just Infusion? Syringe Pump

NE-300 Just Infusion?注射泵


Model: NE-300


Just the features that you want, and none that you don't want to pay for.

  • Holds 1 Syringe from micro-liter sizes up to 60 mL. (140 mL partially filled)

  • Infusion rates from 0.73 μL/hr (1 mL syringe) to 1500 mL/hr (60 mL syringe)

  • Easy-to-use keypad interface: Set the syringe diameter, pumping rate, press Start

  • Pumps continuously until you stop the pump

  • Syringe purge mode

  • Power failure mode allows pump to continue      pumping after a reset

  • Displays total volume dispensed in mL or μL units

  • Infusion rate can be changed while pumping

  • Selectable infusion rates units: mL/hr, μL/hr,      mL/min, μL/min

  • Space Saving Chassis: Foot print size of only 5      3/4" x 8 3/4"

  • Won't take up unnecessary space on your      laboratory or production bench

  • Remembers previous settings on power up

  • Precise reproducible flow rates

  • Operates from included 12VDC power supply. Worldwide power supplies available

  • Disposable, Glass, Stainless Steel Syringes and Plumbing Supplies are sold separately. Pictured Syringe is for Demonstration purposes only.

Infuses Only!

  • Does not withdraw, no volume target, no computer interface or programmability.

  • Just the features that you want to pay for!

世联博研是flexcell中国授权代理商,授权代理FX-5000C细胞压力加载,FX-5000T细胞应力加载,STR-4000细胞流体切应力,TissueTrain三维细胞组织培养,Flex_SFlexJr显微应力加载系,FlexFlow显微切应力加载,HiQFlowmate液体控,flexsan自动扫描设备和XyFlEX计算软件,OsciFlow_切应力模式控制器,切应力模式控制器,FlexStop真空隔离阀,TTPlate三维细胞培养板,BioFlex培养板,BioFlex(flexcell双向应力培养板),UniFlex(flexcell双向应力培养板),BioPress压力加载配套的BioPress培养板,细胞培养载片,圆形TTCircular三维细胞培养板,HI bioFlex培养板,SFMembrane_硅胶膜,单细胞、单分子牵引应变系统,单个细胞操纵系统,单个病毒操纵系统,单个核酸操纵系统,单个纳米颗粒操纵系统,单个碳纳米管操纵系统,单个蛋白质可逆纳米级操作系统,BioFactory细胞组织三维打印系统,3DDiscovery细胞组织三维打印系统,facsinapetri代理,Cell sorting directly from the Petri dish,全自动单细胞筛选、提取、沉积设备,全自动单细胞筛选仪,全自动单细胞提取仪,全自动单细胞沉积仪,BioRam 活体单细胞显微激光拉曼光谱仪,活态单细胞激光拉曼光谱无损测定鉴别系统,如何怎么样选择选购三维细胞培养系统,如何怎么样选择选购光镊系统,如何怎么样选择选购细胞分选仪器系统,CalScreener无标记细胞能量代谢实时测定仪,高灵敏细胞微量量热系统

现货,NE-300 Just Infusion? Syringe Pump,NE-300
