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Flexcell FX-5000细胞牵张拉伸培养系统应用文献

    膀胱平滑肌细胞(Bladder smooth muscle cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    尿路上皮及尿路上皮细胞(Urothelial & uroepithelial cells) 细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献


心脏血管(Cardio vasculature)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    心肌细胞和成纤维细胞(Cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    心血管内皮细胞(Cardiovascular endothelial cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    心血管平滑肌细胞(Cardiovascular smooth muscle cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    其他心血管细胞(Other cardiovascular cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    关节软骨细胞(Articular chondrocytes)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    其他的软骨细胞(Other cartilage cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
皮肤成纤维细胞(Dermal Fibroblasts)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    内皮细胞(Endothelial cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    心血管内皮细胞(Cardiovascular endothelial cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    肺动脉内皮细胞(Pulmonary endothelial cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    其他的内皮细胞(Other endothelial cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
上皮细胞(Epithelial Cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    Caco-2肠上皮细胞(Caco-2 intenstinal epithelial cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    眼睛的上皮细胞(Eye epithelial cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    胃上皮细胞(Gastric epithelial cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    肺上皮细胞(Pulmonary epithelial cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    肾小管上皮细胞(Renal epithelial cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    其他上皮细胞(Other epithelial cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    眼睛的上皮细胞(Eye epithelial cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    眼小梁细胞(Trabecular meshwork cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
牙龈成纤维细胞(Gingival Fibroblasts)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
椎间盘(Intervertebral Disc)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    肾小球膜细胞(Mesangial cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    肾小管上皮细胞(Renal epithelial cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    牙周膜(Periodontal ligament)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    膝关节韧带(Knee ligaments)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    其他韧带细胞(Other ligament cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    肺泡巨噬细胞(Alveolar macrophages)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    肺成纤维细胞(Lung fibroblasts)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    间皮细胞(Mesothelial cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    肺动脉内皮细胞(Pulmonary endothelial cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    肺上皮细胞(Pulmonary epithelial cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    肺动脉平滑肌细胞(Pulmonary smooth muscle cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    其他肺部细胞(Other pulmonary cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
神经元,星形胶质细胞,及脑(Neurons'' Astrocytes'' & Brain)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
骨骼肌(Skeletal Muscle)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
平滑肌细胞(Smooth Muscle Cells)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
     膀胱平滑肌细胞(Bladder smooth muscle cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    心血管平滑肌细胞(Cardiovascular smooth muscle cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    肺动脉平滑肌细胞(Pulmonary smooth muscle cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    子宫/子宫肌层平滑肌细胞(Uterine/myometrial smooth muscle cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    其他平滑肌细胞(Other smooth muscle cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
基质干细胞/内皮祖细胞/干细胞(Stromal/ Progenitor/ Stem Cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
    子宫/子宫肌层平滑肌细胞(Uterine/myometrial smooth muscle cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
其他类型的细胞(Other Cell Types)牵张拉伸应力应用文献 
点评与评论文章(Reviews & Commentaries)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 

Tissue Train®Flexcell FX-5000TT组织工程三维牵张拉伸培养系统应用文献 
张力系统中的应用(APPLICATION OF TENSION SYSTEM)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用文献 

BIOPRESS和Flexcell FX-5000C细胞组织三维培养物压应力加载培养系统(BIOPRESS AND COMPRESSION SYSTEM)应用文献 
细胞压应力培养系统中的应用(APPLICATION OF COMPRESSION SYSTEM)细胞压缩系统中的应用文献 

客户改性单位(CUSTOMER-MODIFIED UNITS)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用 
美国专利(U.S. PATENTS)细胞牵张拉伸应力应用 

(categorized by system'' tissue'' and/or cell type)


膀胱平滑肌细胞(Bladder smooth muscle cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献

1. Adam RM'' Eaton SH'' Estrada C'' Nimgaonkar A'' Shih SC'' Smith LE'' Kohane IS'' Bagli D'' Freeman MR. Mechanical stretch is a highly selective regulator of gene expression in human bladder smooth muscle cells. Physiol Genomics 20(1):36-44'' 2004. 
2. Adam RM'' Roth JA'' Cheng HL'' Rice DC'' Khoury J'' Bauer SB'' Peters CA'' Freeman MR. Signaling through PI3K/Akt mediates stretch and PDGF-BB-dependent DNA synthesis in bladder smooth muscle cells. J Urol 169(6):2388-2393'' 2003. 
3. Aitken KJ'' Block G'' Lorenzo A'' Herz D'' Sabha N'' Dessouki O'' Fung F'' Szybowska M'' Craig L'' Bagli DJ.Mechanotransduction of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 mitogen-activated protein kinase activity in smooth muscle is dependent on the extracellular matrix and regulated by matrix metalloproteinases. Am J Pathol 169(2):459-470'' 2006. 
4. Aitken KJ'' Tolg C'' Panchal T'' Leslie B'' Yu J'' Elkelini M'' Sabha N'' Tse DJ'' Lorenzo AJ'' Hassouna M'' Bgli DJ. Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) induces proliferation and de-differentiation responses to three coordinate pathophysiologic stimuli (mechanical strain'' hypoxia'' and extracellular matrix remodeling) in rat bladder smooth muscle. Am J Pathol 176(1):304-319'' 2010. Epub 2009 Dec 17. 
5. Chaqour B'' Yang R'' Sha Q. Mechanical stretch modulates the promoter activity of the profibrotic factor CCN2 through increased actin polymerization and NF-κB activation. J Biol Chem 281(29):20608-20622'' 2006. 
6. Estrada CR'' Adam RM'' Eaton SH'' Bgli DJ'' Freeman MR. Inhibition of EGFR signaling abrogates smooth muscle proliferation resulting from sustained distension of the urinary bladder. Lab Invest 86(12):1293-1302'' 2006. 
7. Galvin DJ'' Watson RW'' Gillespie JI'' Brady H'' Fitzpatrick JM. Mechanical stretch regulates cell survival in human bladder smooth muscle cells in vitro. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 283(6):F1192-F1199'' 2002. 
8. Halachmi S'' Aitken KJ'' Szybowska M'' Sabha N'' Dessouki S'' Lorenzo A'' Tse D'' Bagli DJ. Role of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) in stretch injury to bladder smooth muscle cells. Cell Tissue Res 326(1):149-158'' 2006. 
9. Hubschmid U'' Leong-Morgenthaler PM'' Basset-Dardare A'' Ruault S'' Frey P. In vitro growth of human urinary tract smooth muscle cells on laminin and collagen type I-coated membranes under static and dynamic conditions. Tissue Engineering 11(1-2):161-171'' 2005. 
10. Kushida N'' Kabuyama Y'' Yamaguchi O'' Homma Y. Essential role for extracellular Ca2+ in JNK activation by mechanical stretch in bladder smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 281(4):C1165-C1172'' 2001. 
11. Nguyen HT'' Adam RM'' Bride SH'' Park JM'' Peters CA'' Freeman MR. Cyclic stretch activates p38 SAPK2-'' ErbB2-'' and AT1-dependent signaling in bladder smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 279(4):C1155-C1167'' 2000. 
12. Orsola A'' Adam RM'' Peters CA'' Freeman MR. The decision to undergo DNA or protein synthesis is determined by the degree of mechanical deformation in human bladder muscle cells. Urology 59(5):779-783'' 2002. 
13. Orsola A'' Estrada CR'' Nguyen HT'' Retik AB'' Freeman MR'' Peters CA'' Adam RM. Growth and stretch response of human exstrophy bladder smooth muscle cells: molecular evidence of normal intrinsic function. BJU Int 95(1):144-148'' 2005. 
14. Park JM'' Adam RM'' Peters CA'' Guthrie PD'' Sun Z'' Klagsbrun M'' Freeman MR. AP-1 mediates stretch-induced expression of HB-EGF in bladder smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 277:C294-C301'' 1999. 
15. Park JM'' Borer JG'' Freeman MR'' Peters CA. Stretch activates heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor expression in bladder smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 275:C1247-C1254'' 1998. 
16. Park JM'' Yang T'' Arend LJ'' Schnermann JB'' Peters CA'' Freeman MR'' Briggs JP. Obstruction stimulates COX-2 expression in bladder smooth muscle cells via increased mechanical stretch. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 276:F129-F136'' 1999. 
17. Persson K'' Sando JJ'' Tuttle JB'' Steers WD. Protein kinase C in cyclic stretch-induced nerve growth factor production by urinary tract smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 269:C1018-C1024'' 1995. 
18. Steers WD'' Broder SR'' Persson K'' Bruns DE'' Ferguson JE 2nd'' Bruns ME'' Tuttle JB. Mechanical stretch increases secretion of parathyroid hormone-related protein by cultured bladder smooth muscle cells. J Urol 160(3 Pt 1):908-912'' 1998. 
19. Upadhyay J'' Aitken KJ'' Damdar C'' Bolduc S'' Bagli DJ. Integrins expressed with bladder extracellular matrix after stretch injury in vivo mediate bladder smooth muscle cell growth in vitro. J Urol 169(2):750-755'' 2003. 
20. Yang R'' Amir J'' Liu H'' Chaqour B. Mechanical strain activates a program of genes functionally involved in paracrine signaling of angiogenesis. Physiol Genomics 36(1):1-14'' 2008. Epub 2008 Oct 14. 
21. Yu G'' Bo S'' Xiyu J'' Enqing X. Effect of bladder outlet obstruction on detrusor smooth muscle cell: an in vitro study. Journal of Surgical Research 114(2):202-209'' 2003. 
22. Zhou D'' Herrick DJ'' Rosenbloom J'' Chaqour B. Cyr61 mediates the expression of VEGF'' αv-integrin'' and α-actin genes through cytoskeletally based mechanotransduction mechanisms in bladder smooth muscle cells. J Appl Physiol 98(6):2344-2354'' 2005.

尿路上皮及尿路上皮细胞(Urothelial & uroepithelial cells) 牵张拉伸应力应用文献

23. Jerde TJ'' Mellon WS'' Bjorling DE'' Nakada SY. Evaluation of urothelial stretch-induced cyclooxygenase-2 expression in novel human cell culture and porcine in vivo ureteral obstruction models. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 317(3):965-972'' 2006. 
24. Jerde TJ'' Mellon WS'' Bjorling DE'' Checura CM'' Owusu-Ofori K'' Parrish JJ'' Nakada SY. Stretch induction of cyclooxygenase-2 expression in human urothelial cells is calcium- and protein kinase C zeta-dependent. Mol Pharmacol 73(1):18-26'' 2008. Erratum in: Mol Pharmacol 74(2):539'' 2008. 
25. Sun Y'' Chai TC. Effects of dimethyl sulphoxide and heparin on stretch-activated ATP release by bladder urothelial cells from patients with interstitial cystitis. BJU Int 90(4):381-385'' 2002. 
26. Sun Y'' Chai TC. Up-regulation of P2X3 receptor during stretch of bladder urothelial cells from patients with interstitial cystitis. J Urol 171(1):448-452'' 2004. 
27. Sun Y'' Keay S'' De Deyne PG'' Chai TC. Augmented stretch activated adenosine triphosphate release from bladder uroepithelial cells in patients with interstitial cystitis. Journal of Urology 166(5):1951-1956'' 2001.
28. Sun Y'' Keay S'' DeDeyne P'' Chai T. Stretch-activated release of adenosine triphosphate by bladder uroepithelia is augmented in interstitial cystitis [abstract]. Urology 57(6 Suppl 1):131'' 2001. 
29. Sun Y'' MaLossi J'' Jacobs SC'' Chai TC. Effect of doxazosin on stretch-activated adenosine triphosphate release in bladder urothelial cells from patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Urology 60(2):351-356'' 2002.


1. Aguirre JI'' Plotkin LI'' Gortazar AR'' Millan MM'' O’Brien CA'' Manolagas SC'' Bellido T. A novel ligand-independent function of the estrogen receptor is essential for osteocyte and osteoblast mechanotransduction. J Biol Chem 282(35):25501–25508'' 2007.

2. Bellido T'' Plotkin LI. Detection of apoptosis of bone cells in vitro. Methods in

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3. Bhatt KA'' Chang EI'' Warren SM'' Lin SE'' Bastidas N'' Ghali S'' Thibboneir A'' Capla JM'' McCarthy JG'' Gurtner GC. Uniaxial mechanical strain: an in vitro correlate to distraction osteogenesis. J Surg Res 143(2):329-36'' 2007. Epub 2007 Oct 22. 
4. Boutahar N'' Guignandon A'' Vico L'' Lafage-Proust MH. Mechanical strain on osteoblasts activates autophosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase and proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 tyrosine sites involved in ERK activation. J Biol Chem 279(29):30588-30599'' 2004. 
5. Buckley MJ'' Banes AJ'' Jordan RD. The effects of mechanical strain on osteoblasts in vitro. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 48(3):276-282'' 1990. 
6. Buckley MJ'' Banes AJ'' Levin LG'' Sumpio BE'' Sato M'' Jordan R'' Gilbert J'' Link GW'' Tran Son Tay R. Osteoblasts increase their rate of division and align in response to cyclic'' mechanical tension in vitro. Bone Miner 4(3):225-236'' 1988. 
7. Calvalho RS'' Bumann A'' Schwarzer C'' Scott E'' Yen EH. A molecular mechanism of integrin regulation from bone cells stimulated by orthodontic forces. Eur J Orthod 18(3):227-235'' 1996. 
8. Carvalho RS'' Bumann A'' Schwarzer C'' Scott E'' Yen HK. A molecular mechanism of integrin regulation from bone cells stimulated by orthodontic forces. The European Journal of Orthodontics 18(1):227-235'' 1996. 
9. Carvalho RS'' Scott JE'' Suga DM'' Yen EH. Stimulation of signal transduction pathways in osteoblasts by mechanical strain potentiated by parathyroid hormone. J Bone Miner Res 9(7):999-1011'' 1994. 
10. Carvalho RS'' Scott JE'' Yen EH. The effects of mechanical stimulation on the distribution of β1 integrin and expression of β1-integrin mRNA in TE-85 human osteosarcoma cells. Arch Oral Biol 40(3):257-264'' 1995. 
11. Case N'' Ma M'' Sen B'' Xie Z'' Gross TS'' Rubin J. β-catenin levels influence rapid mechanical responses in osteoblasts. J Biol Chem 283(43):29196-29205'' 2008. Epub 2008 Aug 22. 
12. Chen X'' Macica CM'' Ng KW'' Broadus AE. Stretch-induced PTH-related protein gene expression in osteoblasts. J Bone Miner Res20(8):1454-61'' 2005. 
13. Cillo JE Jr'' Gassner R'' Koepsel RR'' Buckley MJ. Growth factor and cytokine gene expression in mechanically strained human osteoblast-like cells: implications for distraction osteogenesis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 90(2):147-154'' 2000. 
14. Duncan RL'' Hruska KA. Chronic'' intermittent loading alters mechanosensitive channel characteristics in osteoblast-like cells. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 267:F909-F916'' 1994. 
15. Fan X'' Rahnert JA'' Murphy TC'' Nanes MS'' Greenfield EM'' Rubin J. Response to mechanical strain in an immortalized pre-osteoblast cell is dependent on ERK1/2. J Cell Physiol 207(2):454-460'' 2006. 
16. Faure C'' Linossier MT'' Malaval L'' Lafage-Proust MH'' Peyroche S'' Vico L'' Guignandon A. Mechanical signals modulated vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) alternative splicing in osteoblastic cells through actin polymerisation. Bone 42(6):1092-1101'' 2008. Epub 2008 Feb 29. 
17. Faure C'' Vico L'' Tracqui P'' Laroche N'' Vanden-Bossche A'' Linossier MT'' Rattner A'' Guignandon A. Functionalization of matrices by cyclically stretched osteoblasts through matrix targeting of VEGF. Biomaterials 31(25):6477-6484'' 2010. Epub 2010 Jun 11. 
18. Geng WD'' Boskovic G'' Fultz ME'' Li C'' Niles RM'' Ohno S'' Wright GL. Regulation of expression and activity of four PKC isozymes in confluent and mechanically stimulated UMR-108 osteoblastic cells. J Cell Physiol 189(2):216-228'' 2001. 
19. Granet C'' Boutahar N'' Vico L'' Alexandre C'' Lafage-Proust MH. MAPK and SRC-kinases control EGR-1 and NF-κB inductions by changes in mechanical environment in osteoblasts. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 284(3):622-631'' 2001. 
20. Granet C'' Vico AG'' Alexandre C'' Lafage-Proust MH. MAP and src kinases control the induction of AP-1 members in response to changes in mechanical environment in osteoblastic cells. Cellular Signaling 14(8):679-688'' 2002. 
21. Grimston SK'' Screen J'' Haskell JH'' Chung DJ'' Brodt MD'' Silva MJ'' Civitelli R. Role of connexin43 in osteoblast response to physical load. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1068:214-224'' 2006. 
22. Guignandon A'' Akhouayri O'' Usson Y'' Rattner A'' Laroche N'' Lafage-Proust MH'' Alexandre C'' Vico L. Focal contact clustering in osteoblastic cells under mechanical stresses: microgravity and cyclic deformation. Cell Commun Adhes 10(2):69-83'' 2003. 
23. Guignandon A'' Boutahar N'' Rattner A'' Vico L'' Lafage-Proust MH. Cyclic strain promotes shuttling of PYK2/Hic-5 complex from focal contacts in osteoblast-like cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 343(2):407-14'' 2006. 
24. Hara F'' Fukuda K'' Asada S'' Matsukawa M'' Hamanishi C. Cyclic tensile stretch inhibition of nitric oxide release from osteoblast-like cells is both G protein and actin-dependent. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 19(1):126-131'' 2001. 
25. Hara F'' Fukuda K'' Ueno M'' Hamanishi C'' Tanaka S. Pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins as mediators of stretch-induced decrease in nitric-oxide release of osteoblast-like cells. J Orthop Res 17(4):593-597'' 1999. 
26. Hens JR'' Wilson KM'' Dann P'' Chen X'' Horowitz MC'' Wysolmerski JJ. TOPGAL mice show that the canonical Wnt signaling pathway is active during bone development and growth and is activated by mechanical loading in vitro. J Bone Miner Res 20(7):1103-1113'' 2005. 
27. Ho AM'' Marker PC'' Peng H'' Quintero AJ'' Kingsley DM'' Huard J. Dominant negative Bmp5 mutation reveals key role of BMPs in skeletal response to mechanical stimulation. BMC Dev Biol 8:35'' 2008.
28. Jansen JH'' Weyts FA'' Westbroek I'' Jahr H'' Chiba H'' Pols HA'' Verhaar JA'' van Leeuwen JP'' Weinans H. Stretch-induced phosphorylation of ERK1/2 depends on differentiation stage of osteoblasts. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 93:542–551'' 2004. 
29. Kim DW'' Lee HJ'' Karmin JA'' Lee SE'' Chang SS'' Tolchin B'' Lin S'' Cho SK'' Kwon A'' Ahn JM'' Lee FY. Mechanical loading differentially regulates membrane-bound and soluble RANKL availability in MC3T3-E1 cells. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1068:568-72.'' 2006. 
30. Knoll B'' McCarthy TL'' Centrella M'' Shin J. Strain-dependent control of transforming growth factor- β function in osteoblasts in an in vitro model: biochemical events associated with distraction osteogenesis. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 116(1):224-233'' 2005. 
31. Li L'' Chen M'' Deng L'' Mao Y'' Wu W'' Chang M'' Chen H. The effect of mechanical stimulation on the expression of α2'' β1'' β3 integrins and the proliferation'' synthetic function in rat osteoblasts. Sheng Wu Yi Xue Gong Cheng Xue Za Zhi 20(2):187-192'' 2003. 
32. Li L'' Deng L'' Chen M'' Wu W'' Mao Y'' Chen H. The effect of mechanical stimulation on the proliferation and synthetic function of osteoblasts from osteoporotic rat. Sheng Wu Yi Xue Gong Cheng Xue Za Zhi 21(3):341-346'' 349'' 2004. 
33. Li X'' Zhang XL'' Shen G'' Tang GH. Effects of tensile forces on serum deprivation-induced osteoblast apoptosis: expression analysis of caspases'' Bcl-2'' and Bax. Chin Med J (Engl) 125(14):2568-2573'' 2012. 
34. Li Y'' Tang L'' Duan Y'' Ding Y. Upregulation of MMP-13 and TIMP-1 expression in response to mechanical strain in MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cells. BMC Res Notes 3:309'' 2010. 
35. Liegibel UM'' Sommer U'' Tomakidi P'' Hilscher U'' Van Den Heuvel L'' Pirzer R'' Hillmeier J'' Nawroth P'' Kasperk C.Concerted action of androgens and mechanical strain shifts bone metabolism from high turnover into an osteoanabolic mode. J Exp Med196(10):1387-1392'' 2002. 
36. Lima F'' Vico L'' Lafage-Proust MH'' van der Saag P'' Alexandre C'' Thomas T. Interactions between estrogen and mechanical strain effects on U2OS human osteosarcoma cells are not influenced by estrogen receptor type. Bone 35(5):1127-1135'' 2004. 
37. Liu X'' Zhang X'' Luo ZP. Strain-related collagen gene expression in human osteoblast-like cells. Cell Tissue Res 322(2):331-334'' 2005. 
38. Narutomi M'' Nishiura T'' Sakai T'' Abe K'' Ishikawa H. Cyclic mechanical strain induces interleukin-6 expression via prostaglandin E2 production by cyclooxygenase-2 in MC3T3-E1 osteoblast-like cells. J Oral Biosci 49(1):65-73'' 2007. 
39. Miyauchi A'' Gotoh M'' Kamioka H'' Notoya K'' Sekiya H'' Takagi Y'' Yoshimoto Y'' Ishikawa H'' Chihara K'' Takano-Yamamoto T'' Fujita T'' Mikuni-Takagaki Y. αVβ3 integrin ligands enhance volume-sensitive calcium influx in mechanically stretched osteocytes. J Bone Miner Metab 24(6):498-504'' 2006.

40. Motokawa M'' Kaku M'' Tohma Y'' Kawata T'' Fujita T'' Kohno S'' Tsutsui K''

Ohtani J'' Tenjo K'' Shigekawa M'' Kamada H'' Tanne K. Effects of cyclic tensile forces on the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) in murine osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells. J Dent Res 84(5):422-427'' 2005. 41. Myers KA'' Rattner JB'' Shrive NG'' Hart DA. Osteoblast-like cells and fluid flow: cytoskeleton-dependent shear sensitivity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 364(2):214-219'' 2007. Epub 2007 Oct 4. 
42. Plotkin LI'' Mathov I'' Aguirre JI'' Parfitt AM'' Manolagas SC'' Bellido T. Mechanical stimulation prevents osteocyte apoptosis: requirement of integrins'' Src kinases'' and ERKs. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 289(3):C633-643'' 2005. 
43. Qi J'' Chi L'' Faber J'' Koller B'' Banes AJ. ATP reduces gel compaction in osteoblast-populated collagen gels. J Appl Physiol102(3):1152-60'' 2007. 
44. Qi J'' Chi L'' Wang J'' Sumanasinghe R'' Wall M'' Tsuzaki M'' Banes AJ. Modulation of collagen gel compaction by extracellular ATP is MAPK and NF-κB pathways dependent. Exp Cell Res 315(11):1990-2000'' 2009. Epub 2009 Feb 23. 
45. Rath B'' Springorum HR'' Deschner J'' Luring C'' Tingart M'' Grifka J'' Schaumburger J'' Grassel S. Regulation of gene expression in articular cells is influenced by biomechanicalloading. Central European Journal of Medicine 2012'' doi: 10.2478/s11536-012-0008-x. 
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心肌细胞和成纤维细胞(Cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts)牵张拉伸应力应用文献

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心血管内皮细胞(Cardiovascular endothelial cells)牵张拉伸应力应用文献

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