
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

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Microcal itc200维修与保养

上海起发实验试剂有限公司2013年5月29日 15:52 点击:1188

 Microcal itc200保养,Microcal itc200维修与保养,Microcal itc200如何保养

等温滴定量热仪(ITC)在单次实验中即可同时测定所有结合的热力学参数(n,K,ΔH 和 ΔS)。可应用于检定蛋白、抗体、核酸、脂类和其他生物分子间的相互作用;先导药物的优化;酶促反应动力学以及分子结构修饰改变后的结合效果评估等。由于ITC 不仅仅可用于测定分子间的结合亲和力,更能详细的阐述分子间相互作用的机制,提供机构分析必须的热力学参数,因此该方法正越来越多的被应用于生物分子相互作用的研究。
• 不仅仅是亲和力:一次试验即可同时确定所有的结合参数,提供从其它结合试验无法获取的所有信息
• 真实溶解中技术:无需标记或固定。 无缓冲液约束。 易于处理浑浊溶液
• 应用普适性:高灵敏度地研究所有生物分子反应情况
• 测量使用竞争性结合技术的 nanomolar 与 picomolar 的结合常数

对Microcal itc200进行定期保养可以提高实验质量进而获得更精确



After every run

•  The system should be cleaned after each run using the Cell and Syringe Wash command.


•  Clean the cell(s)with 20% Contrad™ 70 (or 14% Decon™ 90).Use theDetergent Soak and Rinse (long) command and follow

the instructions to load the cellwith 20% Contrad 70 (or 14% Decon 90) and heatfor 30 minutes at 60°C. This should be done

whenever awaterrinse is insufficientto clean the cell properly. The easiestway to check ifthe cell needs cleaning is to check

thatthe baseline position is no more than 1 μcal/sec lowerthan the reference power setting in the ITCexperiment set up.

•  Refillthe reference cell with de-ionized water.

•  Visually inspectthe wash module while performing cell or syringe washing. Verify liquid is flowing to the waste bottle.


•  Inspectthe titration syringe carefully for breaks in the glass. Replace the syringe if it shows any sign of damage. Also inspect

the FPA tip(s) for wear.

•  Clean the titration syringe afterreverse titrations (protein is loaded into the syringe) or monthly as preventive maintenance.

Pull 2 × 100 μl of 20% Contrad 70 (or 14% Decon 90) into the syringe and then rinse with water using Syringe rinse long on 

the Accessory Station.

•  Every 300 runs, orif it shows signs of wear,replace the plungertip

(来源: 上海起发实验试剂有限公司

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