
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

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特点和基本操作丨艾美捷Fluorochrome Ki67抗体

武汉艾美捷科技有限公司2023年2月7日 3:43 点击:412

特点和基本操作丨艾美捷Fluorochrome Ki67抗体




Fluorochrome Ki67抗体FC40001)基参:


英文名字:Ki67 Antibody-W






保存建议:小瓶中含有约200微升1/100稀释液。 抗体可在BSA稀释液(50 mM KPBS、0.4%Triton、1%BSA、1%NGS)中进一步稀释至至少1/20,000。 抗体应在-20 ℃下储存。 还包括吸附有用于封闭的特异性肽的滤纸。 可向管中加入500 μ l稀释的抗体以获得10 μ M阻断。 应用于组织前,在室温(RT)下孵育至少1小时。 抗体特异性地与该肽阻断,而不与吸附在滤纸上的其他肽阻断。


艾美捷Fluorochrome Ki67抗体FC40001)特点:






Fluorochrome Ki67抗体FC40001)基本操作

新鲜冷冻的10-30微米切片在室温下在4%多聚甲醛(FA)中固定1小时,在磷酸盐缓冲盐水(PBS)中洗涤,然后在90%的温度下在10%柠檬酸钠中处理40分钟。将切片在柠檬酸钠溶液中冷却20分钟,在PBS中洗涤,并用PBS中的0.1-0.3%H2O2孵育10至30分钟。再次在PBS中洗涤组织,然后用Avidin/Biotin阻断试剂盒(Vector cat#SP-2001)处理,在RT下洗涤并用BSA稀释剂孵育1小时。在RT下将Ki67抗体(1/20000)施加到组织上过夜。在PBS洗涤后,将切片在生物素化GAR中以1/1000(Vector labs cat#BA1000)在RT下孵育1个小时,洗涤,然后在阿维丁/生物素(Avidin/Biotin)中以1/1000(Vector labs cat#PK6100)在室温下孵育1小时。洗涤后,用二氨基联苯胺(0.04%)在0.1M乙酸钠中与0.06%H2O2混合六分钟(也可以加入2.5%的氯化镍)观察信号。然后对切片进行水洗(如果需要,进行复染)、脱水并盖上盖子。





Perez et al, The Journal of Neuroscience, May 13, 2009:29(19):6379-6387

Garcia-Fuster et al, in preparation: Individual differences in adult hippocampal neurogensis following experimenter administration of cocaine.






GroPep Bioreagents艾美捷专注于细胞培养级的活性生长因子


GroPep Bioreagents在分子生物领域、发酵学及重组蛋白和单抗制备方面拥有非常熟练的技术,GroPep专注于细胞培养级的活性生长因子(主要集中在胰岛素样生长因子(IGF)领域)、抗体及相关蛋白试剂等研究领域。




艾美捷GroPep Bioreagents研究热点

Human LR3 IGF-I

Human IGF-I

Human IGF-II

Human L-EGF

Human IGFBP-3


GroPep BioreagentsLR3 IGF-I有何特色?

GroPep的LR3 IGF-I由天然人IGF-1制成,第3位的氨基酸由Q取代R,并在N端加上13个氨基酸。LR3 IGF-I是一款IGF-I类似物,在体外和体内实验效果比天然IGF-I更有效,专门用于补充哺乳动物细胞培养物,以支持细胞的存活和增殖。

LR3 IGF-I在诱导存活和增殖效果比胰岛素更好。

LR3 IGF-I在比胰岛素或IGF-1低得多的浓度下有效。

LR3 IGF-I能够更好地刺激I型IGF受体,从而诱导更高水平的激活。

LR3 IGF-I可用于商业细胞培养生产和学术研究项目研究。


GroPep Bioreagents其它热门研究(部分):

类别 名称 规格   #

IGF类似物 Human [Ala31] [Leu60] IGF-I 100ug ALU100

Human [Ala31] IGF-I 100ug AIU100

Human [Arg3] IGF-I (细胞培养级) 100ug LU100

Human [Arg3] IGF-I (受体级别) 100ug EU100

Human [Arg6] IGF-II 20ug GU020

Human [Leu24] [Ala31] IGF-I 20ug ADU020

Human [Leu24] IGF-I 100ug ZU100

Human [Leu27]IGF-II 100ug TU100

Human [Leu60] IGF-I 100ug ABU100

Human Des [1-3] IGF-I 100ug DU100

Human Des [1-6] IGF-II 100ug MU100

Human LR3 IGF-I (细胞培养级) 1mg AM001

Human LR3 IGF-I (受体级别) 100ug BU100

IGF结合蛋白(IGFBP) Bovine IGFBP-2 100ug BP2A1U100

Human IGFBP-1 20ug BP1BU020

Human IGFBP-2 100ug BP2BU100

Human IGFBP-3 100ug BP3BU100

Human IGFBP-4 100ug BP4BU100

Human IGFBP-5 20ug BP5BU020

Human IGFBP-6 100ug BP6BU100

Mouse IGFBP-5 10ug BP5DU010

Rat IGFBP-4 15ug BP4CU015

Rat IGFBP-5 10ug BP5CU010

生长激素 Bream Growth Hormone鳊鱼生长激素 100ug GHAU100

Rat Growth Hormone大鼠生长激素 100ug GHCU100

EGF/TGF家族 Bovine Betacellulin(牛β-细胞素) 100ug ARU100

Human L-EGF (细胞培养级) 5mg NM005

Human L-TGF-α(细胞培养级) 1mg VM001

TGF-β3 Human TGF-β3 20ug BJU020


艾美捷科技是GroPep Bioreagents的中国代理商,为科研工作者提供优质的产品与服务。




艾美捷Kingfisher Biotech多达60种研究动物类型


艾美捷Kingfisher Biotech针对各种兽医学动物模型,包括以下3类







Kingfisher Biotech研究领域:兽医学与小众动物模型,Kingfisher Biotech所研究的物种多达60种研究动物。目前主要提供的动物物种,为牛,犬,山羊,鲶鱼,鸡,食蟹猴,海豚,马,猫,豚鼠,仓鼠,人,小鼠,绵羊,兔,大鼠,猪,火鸡,斑马鱼等。


Kingfisher Biotech部分研究列表:

Anole IGF-1 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 25 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1675A-025)

Anole IGF-1 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 5 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1675A-005)

Anole IGF-2 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 100 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1676A-100)

Anole IGF-2 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 25 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1676A-025)

Anole IGF-2 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 5 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1676A-005)

Anole IGF-2 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 500 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1676A-500)

Cynomolgus Monkey Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 100 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1074Y-100)

Cynomolgus Monkey Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 25 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1074Y-025)

Cynomolgus Monkey Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 5 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1074Y-005)

Cynomolgus Monkey Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 500 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1074Y-500)

IGF-1 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 100 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1330-100)

IGF-1 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 25 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1330-025)

IGF-1 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 500 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1330-500)

IGF-1(Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 5 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1330-005)

Cynomolgus Monkey CCL4 (MIP-1 beta) Polyclonal Antibody (Kingfisher, CAT#KP1690Y-100)

Cynomolgus Monkey CCL4 (MIP-1 beta) Polyclonal Antibody - Biotinylated (Kingfisher, CAT#KPB1691Y-050)

Cynomolgus Monkey CCL4 (MIP-1β) Do-It-Yourself ELISA, ≤10 Plates (Kingfisher, CAT#DIY1692Y-003)

Bee Defensin-1 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 25 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1644AP-025)

Bee Defensin-1 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 5 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1644AP-005)

Bovine IL-17A (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 100 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP0056B-100)

Bovine IL-17A (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 25 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP0056B-025)

Bovine IL-17A (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 5 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP0056B-005)

Bovine IL-17A (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 500 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP0056B-500)

Bovine IL-4 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 100 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP0001B-100)

Bovine IL-4 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 25 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP0001B-025)

Bovine IL-4 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 5 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP0001B-005)

Bovine IL-4 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 500 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP0001B-500)

Bovine PDGF-BB (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 5 microgrrams (Kingfisher, CAT#RP1319B-005)

Bovine/Caprine/Ovine IL-5 (Yeast-derived Recombinant Protein) - 25 micrograms (Kingfisher, CAT#RP0139B-025)

Bovine CCL11 (Eotaxin-1) Do-It-Yourself ELISA, ≤10 Plates (Kingfisher, CAT#DIY0951B-003)

Bovine CCL3 (MIP-1 alpha) Do-It-Yourself ELISA, ≤10 Plates (Kingfisher, CAT#DIY1143B-003)

Bovine CCL4 (MIP-1β) Do-It-Yourself ELISA, ≤10 Plates (Kingfisher, CAT#DIY0660B-003)

Bovine CD40 Ligand Do-It-Yourself ELISA, ≤10 Plates (Kingfisher, CAT#DIY1211B-003)

Bovine CXCL10 (IP-10) Do-It-Yourself ELISA, ≤10 Plates (Kingfisher, CAT#DIY0662B-003)

Bovine CXCL9 (MIG) Do-It-Yourself ELISA, ≤10 Plates (Kingfisher, CAT#DIY0661B-003)

Bovine Erythropoietin (EPO) Do-It-Yourself ELISA, ≤10 Plates (Kingfisher, CAT#DIY1585B-003)

Bovine IL-1 alpha (IL-1F1) Do-It-Yourself ELISA, ≤10 Plates (Kingfisher, CAT#DIY0667B-003)

Bovine IL-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL-1F3) Do-It-Yourself ELISA, ≤10 Plates (Kingfisher, CAT#DIY0668B-003)

Bovine IL-17A Do-It-Yourself ELISA, ≤10 Plates (Kingfisher, CAT#DIY0673B-003)

Bovine IL-2 Do-It-Yourself ELISA, ≤10 Plates (Kingfisher, CAT#DIY1100B-003)


艾美捷科技是Kingfisher Biotech的中国代理商,为科研工作者提供优质的产品与服务。








多功能、多区室蛋白钙网蛋白(Crt)可作为新的或错误折叠的蛋白质的可溶性分子伴侣,以及Ca2+结合蛋白。Crt 表达在 ER 管腔中最为丰富,也发生在其他膜结合细胞器、细胞表面和细胞外。Crt 也称为 CRP-55、钙调节蛋白和 HACBP(高亲和力钙结合蛋白),含有 ER 检索序列 KDEL,是 ER 膜蛋白钙连接蛋白 (Cnx) 的可溶物。


CRT 似乎也可作为系统性红斑狼疮、类风湿性关节炎、乳糜泻、完全性先天性心脏传导阻滞和氟烷肝炎的自身抗原发挥作用。Crt 的多种附加功能包括粘附、血液功能以及心脏和神经元发育基因表达。



克隆: FMC 75


同种型: 免疫球蛋白G1

免疫原: 重组钙网蛋白。

源: 从腹水中净化

物种反应性: 人类


应用: 流式细胞术

推荐稀释度/条件: 流式细胞术 1:100)


应用说明: 预测分子量为~63kDa。

纯度细节: 蛋白G亲和纯化。

配方: 液。在PBS中,pH 7.2,含有0.09%叠丨氮丨化钠。

处理: 避免冻融循环。避光。

航运: 蓝冰不结冰

长期储存: +4°C



CD47 Agonist Peptides Induce Programmed Cell Death in Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia B Cells via PLCγ1 Activation: Evidence from Mice and Humans: A.C. Martinez-Torres, et al.; PLoS Med. 12, e1001796 (2015), Application(s): Flow Cytometry;

Engulfment of hematopoietic stem cells caused by down-regulation of CD47 is critical in the pathogenesis of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: Kuriyama T., et al.; Blood 120, 4058 (2012), Application(s): Sorting and analysis of human acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line NB4 by flow cytometry;

Immunogenic Tumor Cell Death Induced by Chemoradiotherapy in Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Suzuki Y., et al.; Cancer Res. 72, 3967 (2012), Application(s): Flow cytometry analysis of cell surface calreticulin expression in human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC),



钙网蛋白单克隆抗体 FMC 75)ADI-SPA-601-F

钙网蛋白单克隆抗体 FMC 75)(DyLight™ 488 偶联物) ADI-SPA-601-488-F

小鼠 IgG1 同种型对照,单克隆抗体 (MOPC-21)(PE 偶联物) ADI-SAB-600PE-F






艾美捷Fluorochorome研究工具在生命科学实验有着广泛的应用,Fluorochorome致力于荧光染料的研究与开发,其Fluoro Gold(荧光金)自1985年推出以来被广泛应用,并有大量的参考文献。除此之外,Fluorochrome还拥有高灵敏度的Fluoro-Gold抗体、以及 Fluoro-Ruby(红色荧光金)等等。


Fluorochorome Fluoro-Gold & Fluoro-Ruby ——神经元逆行/顺行示踪标准:

FluoroGold( 荧光金),品名Fluoro-Gold,是使用广泛、有效的 神经元逆行示踪剂

Fluoro-Gold( 荧光金)抗体是有效的针对于荧光金的抗体,自Fluorochrome于1998年推出以来,它取得了非常好的成绩

Fluoro-Ruby( 红色荧光金)是一种快速、灵敏、可靠且技术简单的荧光神经元顺行示踪剂,Fluoro-Ruby的使用于Fluoro-Gold基本相同,被认为是了不起的神经元顺行示踪剂




52-9400 荧光金 Fluoro-Gold 20mg Fluorochrome

52-9400 荧光金 Fluoro-Gold 50mg Fluorochrome

52-9600 荧光金抗体 Antibody to Fluoro-Gold 0.1ml×1 Fluorochrome

52-9500 红色荧光金 Fluoro-Ruby 30mg Fluorochrome

52-9610   Ki067 Antibody-W 200ul Fluorochrome

52-9620   GFAP Antibody-W 200ul Fluorochrome

52-9630   BrdU Antibody-W 200ul Fluorochrome



Tosolini A.P., Mohan R, Morris R., “Targeting the full length of the motor end plates regions in the mouse forelimb increases the uptake of Fluoro-Gold into corresponding spinal cord motor neurons,” Frontiers in Neurology (2013) 1-10.

Tosolini A.P., Mohan R., “Spatial characterization of the motor neuron columns supplying the rat forelimb,” Neuroscience 200 (2012) 19-30.

Bowyer, J.F. and Schmued, L., Fluoro-Ruby labeling prior to an amphetamine neurotoxic insult shows a definitive massive loss of dopaminergic terminals and axons in caudateputamen. Brain Res., 1075, (2006) 236-239.

*Schmued, L.C., “Anti-retrograde and retrograde neuroanatomical tract tracing with fluorescent compounds,” Neuroscience Protocols, 94-050-02 (1994) 1-15.

Van Bockstaele, E.J., Wright, A.M., Cestari, D.M., and Pickel, V.M., “Immunolabeling of retrogradely transported Fluoro-Gold: sensitivity and application to ultrastructural analysis of transmitter-specific mesolimbic circuitry,” Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 55 (1994) 65-78.






Fluoro-Gold can be injected using several different methods, including pressure, iontophoretic and otherapplications developed by a variety of researchers. See Schmued and Fallon, Fluoro-Gold: "A

fluorescent retrograde axonal tracer with numerous unique properties”, Brain Research, 377 (1986) 147- 154 as well as Pieribone and Aston-Jones, "The Iontophoretic Application of Fluoro-Gold for the study ofaf erents to deep brain nuclei”, Brain Research, 475 (1988) 259-271. Many researchers have developedtheir own modified procedures. Use of the antibody should not be dependent upon the methodology usedto employ Fluoro-Gold.


After the Fluoro-Gold has been injected, floating sections (we used thirty um sections from a rat perfusedwith 4% formaldehyde) are incubated with the Fluoro-Gold Antibody solution overnight at 4º C. Sectionsare washed, then incubated in Biotinylated GAR (Vector Labs) at 1/1000 for 1 hour at room temperatureand washed again. Sections are then incubated in Avidin/Biotin (Vector Labs) at 1/1000 for 1 hour, washed and transferred to Diaminobenzidine (.04%) and Nickel Chloride (2.5%) in 0.1 M NaAcetate with0.06% H2O2 for six minutes. Sections are then washed, mounted, dried, dehydrated and cover slipped.


It has been our experience that if stored and prepared in the manner set out above, each vial of the antibody should treat 300 to 1000 thirty um sections of the albino rat brain (or similar sized animals) ifyou use the Vector elite kit. However, you should experiment with the concentration and procedures todetermine which best fit your circumstance.



氟金可以用几种不同的方法注射,包括压力、离子电渗和各种研究人员开发的治疗方法。参见Schmoud和Fallon,Fluoro Gold:“A荧光逆行轴突示踪剂具有许多独特的财产”,《大脑研究》,377(1986)147-154,以及Pieribone和Aston-Jones,“荧光金在研究脑深部细胞核的遗传物质中的离子导入应用”,《脑研究》,475(1988)259-271。许多研究人员开发了他们自己的改进程序。抗体的使用不应依赖于使用荧光金的方法。


注射Fluoro Gold后,将漂浮切片(我们使用了灌注了4%甲醛的大鼠的30μm切片)与Fluoro金抗体溶液在4℃下孵育过夜。切片被洗涤,然后在室温下在生物素化GAR(Vector Labs)中以1/1000孵育1小时,然后再次洗涤。然后将切片在Avidin/Biotin(Vector Labs)中以1/1000孵育1小时,洗涤并转移至二氨基联苯胺(.04%)和氯化镍(2.5%)中的0.1M乙酸钠和0.06%H2O2中6分钟。然后清洗、安装、干燥、脱水并盖上盖子。






使用宽带紫外(UV)激发滤光器,荧光显微镜观察荧光金。使用与在宽带紫外(如真蓝、快蓝、核黄)下激发的其他荧光逆行示踪剂相同的滤镜组应特别为荧光显微镜甘油或水制作物镜。由于塑料确实吸收紫外线,因此不建议通过塑料培养皿等进行观察。推荐使用T-Max(柯达,黑白)和Ektachrome 200(柯达,彩色幻灯片)。曝光时间通常从20秒到1.5分钟不等。










Fluoro-Gold can be visualized with a fluorescence microscope using a wide band ultraviolet excitation filter. A gold color is emitted when tissue has been processed with neutral pH buffer, whereas a blue color is emitted when tissue is processed with acidic (e.g. pH 3.3) pH buffer. It can be photographed digitally or with film (use Ektachrome 200-400 ASA film for color prints and comparable speed film for black and white prints, for example Tri-X). Most exposure times range from 10-60 second exposures, depending on the objective magnification and the intensity of the label. Thirty (30) second exposures are about average. Multiple exposures may be exploited to simultaneously visualize Fluoro-Gold and another tracer. Thus, UV would be combined with bright field illumination to simultaneously locate Fluoro-Gold with HRP or silver grains in autoradiography. Similarly, blue light excitation can be combined to also visualize the green emission color of FITC, while green excitation light may be used to simultaneously observe the red emission color of propidium iodide, or ethidium bromide (a fluorescent counterstain).






荧光金的使用与其他荧光示踪剂基本相同。主要区别在于Fluoro Gold在注射后存活时间、浓度范围、组织治疗以及与其他组织化学技术的兼容性方面更为灵活。


储存和保质期干燥的荧光金应保存在4摄氏度的不透光封闭容器中。正确储存,Fluoro Gold的保质期应超过一年。溶液中的染料也应保存在4摄氏度的不透光封闭容器中,在这种情况下,它将保持稳定至少六个月。










荧光金可以使用宽带紫外激发滤光片在荧光显微镜下观察。当用中性pH缓冲液处理组织时发出金色,而当用酸性(例如pH 3.3)pH缓冲液加工组织时发出蓝色。它可以用数码或胶片拍摄(彩色打印使用Ektachrome 200-400 ASA胶片,黑白打印使用同等速度的胶片,例如Tri-X)。大多数曝光时间范围为10-60秒,取决于物镜放大率和标签强度。三十(30)秒曝光约为平均值。可以利用多次曝光同时可视化荧光金和另一种示踪剂。因此,UV将与亮场照射相结合,以在放射自显影中同时定位荧光金与HRP或银颗粒。类似地,蓝光激发可以组合起来,也可以可视化FITC的绿色发射颜色,而绿色激发光可以用于同时观察碘化丙啶或溴化乙锭(荧光复染剂)的红色发射颜色。



对于通过微量注射器或微量移液管进行的压力注射,Fluoro Gold应溶解在蒸馏水中或0.9%盐水中。氟金也可用作2M中性磷酸盐缓冲液中的悬浮液,然而,悬浮颗粒可能会堵塞细的微量移液管尖端,因此蒸馏水或0.9%盐水是首选载体。对于离子电渗疗法,1%的氟金溶液在1M乙酸缓冲液(pH=3.3)中配制。清洁良好(95%ETOH,水)的玻璃微量移液管尖端应为10-20µm。最佳的离子电渗参数是在10-20分钟内用脉冲电流(4-10秒开启,4-10秒关闭)输送+1至+5u安培。


实际上,任何中枢或外周神经系统结构都可以注射Fluoro Gold进行逆行转运分析。在外周神经系统中,可以研究神经节和外周目标。对于周围神经的研究,应切断或损伤神经,并浸入或注射aq。5%氟金溶液。由于Fluoro Gold不会被完整的通过纤维显著吸收,因此纤维必须被切割或严重损坏才能吸收染料。




血红素加氧酶-1(HO-1) 单克隆抗体参数和文献研究


血红素加氧酶-1 (HO-1) 也称为 Hsp32,是血红素加氧酶的诱导亚型,可催化血红素的 NADPH、氧气和细胞色素 P450 还原酶依赖性氧化为一氧化碳、亚铁和胆绿素,并迅速还原为胆红素。HO反应的这些产物具有重要的生理作用:一氧化碳是一种有效的血管扩张剂,并且被认为是cGMP和血管张力的生理调节剂;胆绿素及其产物胆红素是有效的抗氧化剂;“游离”铁通过影响铁调节蛋白(IRP)-1的构象及其与mRNA的1'或5'-UTR中的铁调节元件(IRE)的结合,增加氧化应激并调节许多mRNA(例如DCT-3,铁蛋白和转移受体)的表达。迄今为止,三种已鉴定的血红素加氧酶亚型是HO系统的一部分,可催化血红素转化为胆绿素和一氧化碳。这些是可诱导的HO-1或Hsp32,在大脑和睾丸中丰富的组成型HO-2,以及与HO-3相关但来自不同基因的产物的HO-2。HO系统是血红素降解的限速步骤,HO活性降低血红素的水平,血红素是脂质过氧化和氧自由基形成的众所周知的有效催化剂。


艾美捷血红素加氧酶-1(HO-1) 单克隆抗体ADI-OSA-110-D)相关参数:

替代名称: HMO

免疫原: 对应于人HO-1N末端附近序列的合成肽。

基因/蛋白质标识符: 3162 (Entrez GeneID), 141250 (OMIM)

源: 从腹水中纯化。

物种反应性: 人类, 老鼠, 鼠牛,

应用: 流式细胞术, ICC, IHC (PS), WB

推荐稀释度/条件: 流式细胞术(10μg/ml)蛋白质印迹(1:1,000 ECL)


应用说明: 通过蛋白质印迹检测~32kDa的条带。

纯度细节: 蛋白G亲和纯化。

配方: 液。在含有50%甘油和0.09%叠丨氮丨化钠的PBS中。

航运: 在蓝冰上运输

长期储存: -20°C



图:使用 HO-10 单克隆抗体 (HO-6-1) 染色的 1^1 Jurkat 细胞的流式细胞术分析,(产品编号ADI-OSA-110),浓度为 50 μg/mL


血红素加氧酶-1(HO-1) 单克隆抗体ADI-OSA-110-D)部分文献参考:

Alpha1-antitrypsin counteracts heme-induced endothelial cell inflammatory activation, autophagy dysfunction and death: K. Madyaningrana, et al.; Redox Biol. 46, 102060 (2021);

Carbon Monoxide Releasing Molecule-3 Enhances Heme Oxygenase-1 Induction via ROS-Dependent FoxO1 and Nrf2 in Brain Astrocytes: C. C. Lin, et al.; Oxid. Med. Cell. Longev. 2021, 5521196 (2021);

The novel Nrf2 activator CDDO‐EA attenuates cerebral ischemic injury by promoting microglia/macrophage polarization toward M2 phenotype in mice: X. Lei, et al.; CNS Neurosci. Ther. 27, 82 (2021);

Aberrations of miR-126-3p, miR-181a and sirtuin1 network mediate Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate-induced testicular damage in rats: The protective role of hesperidin: H.S. Helmy, et al.; Toxicology 30, 433 (2020),










(来源: 武汉艾美捷科技有限公司

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