- 上海起发实验试剂有限公司2013年8月13日 10:39 点击:1168
Clontech 四环素调控系统 pRevTRE载体
型号 | 载体名称 | 出品公司 | 载体用途 |
VSC0468 | pRevTRE | Clontech | 四环素调控系统 |
Promotor: LTR
Size: 6500
Selectable Marker: Hygromycin
Constitutive: Inducible
Viral/Non-Viral: Retroviral
pRevTRE is a retroviral Tet response vector that expresses a gene of interest from the Tet-response element (TRE). This vector is derived from pLNCX, a retroviral vector created using elements of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMuLV) and Moloney murine sarcoma virus (MoMuSV) as described. The TRE contains seven direct repeats of the tetO operator sequence, upstream of a minimal CMV promoter, which can be bound by the tTA and rtTA transactivators. The 5’ viral LTR controls expression of the transcript that contains Y+ (the extended viral packaging signal) and the hygromycin resistance (Hygr) gene for antibiotic selection in mammalian cells. The TRE is derived from vectors described previously. pRevTRE also includes the E. coli Ampr gene for antibiotic selection in bacteria.
The complete RevTet-Off and RevTet-On Systems also include the control vector pRevTRE-Luc, which was constructed by cloning the firefly luciferase gene into the HindIII/Cla I sites in the MCS of pRevTRE.

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