
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜



天津百萤生物科技有限公司2015年1月23日 8:59 点击:1919


货号 产品名称 规格 报价 折扣价
86 Rhodamine 110 *Fluorescence reference standard*/罗丹明110*荧光参照标准* 1 g ¥1''740 ¥1''479
121 5-FITC [FITC Isomer I; fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate] *UltraPure Grade* 1g ¥3''540 ¥3''009
140 Cyanine 3 monoacid [equivalent to Cy3 acid] 5mg ¥2''340 ¥1''989
141 Cyanine 3 monosuccinimidyl ester [equivalent to Cy3 NHS ester] 1mg ¥1''140 ¥969
147 Cyanine 3.5 acid [equivalent to Cy3.5 acid] 5mg ¥2''340 ¥1''989
150 Cyanine 5 monoacid [equivalent to Cy5 acid] 5mg ¥2''340 ¥1''989
151 Cyanine 5 monosuccinimidyl ester [equivalent to Cy5 NHS ester] 1mg ¥1''140 ¥969
154  Cyanine 5 alkyne [equivalent to Cy5 alkyne] 1mg ¥2''340 ¥1''989
160 Cyanine 7 monoacid [equivalent to Cy7 acid] 5mg ¥2''940 ¥1''989
174 Cyanine 5.5 monosuccinimidyl ester [equivalent to Cy5.5 NHS ester] 1mg ¥2''340 ¥1''989
178 Cyanine 5.5 azide [equivalent to Cy5.5 azide] 1mg ¥2''940 ¥2''499
200 5-DTAF [5-(4''6-Dichlorotriazinyl)aminofluorescein] 25mg ¥1''140 ¥969
202 6-HEX'' SE [6-Carboxy-2’''4''4’''5’''7''7’-hexachlorofluorescein'' succinimidyl ester] *Single Isomer* 5mg ¥1''740 ¥1''479
203 6-JOE'' SE [6-Carboxy-4’''5’-dichloro-2’''7’-dimethoxyfluorescein'' succinimidyl ester] *CAS#: 113394-23-3* 5mg ¥2''340 ¥1''989
370 5(6)-TAMRA'' SE [5-(and-6)-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine'' succinimidyl ester] *Mixed isomers* 25mg ¥1''140 ¥969
373 5-TAMRA''SE CAS#: 150810-68-7 5mg ¥1''188 ¥1''009
376 6-TAMRA'' SE [6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine'' succinimidyl ester] *CAS#: 150810-69-8* 5mg ¥1''188 ¥1''009
382 6-ROX [6-Carboxy-X-rhodamine] *Single isomer* 25mg ¥1''740 ¥1''479
391 5-ROX'' SE [5-Carboxy-X-rhodamine'' succinimidyl ester] *Single isomer* 100mg ¥17''400 ¥14''790
633 mBBr [Monobromobimane] *UltraPure Grade*/mBBr[单溴二胺] 超级纯 25 mg ¥900 ¥765
1023 iFluor™ 488 succinimidyl ester/iFluor 488琥珀酰SE 1 mg ¥3''540 ¥3''009
1028 iFluor™ 555 succinimidyl ester/iFluor 555琥珀酰SE 1 mg ¥2''340 ¥1''989
1031 iFluor™ 647 succinimidyl ester/iFluor 647琥珀酰SE 1 mg ¥2''340 ¥1''989
1299 ReadiLink FITC Antibody Labeling Kit  2 Labelings ¥1''740 ¥1''479
2554 APC (Allophycocyanin)/APC(别藻蓝蛋白) 1mg ¥900 ¥765
2558 RPE (R-Phycoerythrin)/RPE(藻红蛋白) 1mg ¥900 ¥765
2559 PerCP (Peridinin-Chlorophyll-Protein Complex)/PerCP(多甲藻黄素-叶绿素-蛋白质 复合物) 1mg ¥1''140 ¥969
4501 SMCC [4-(N-Maleimidomethyl)cyclohexanecarboxylic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester] 25mg ¥900 ¥765
11000 Amplite ADHP [10-Acetyl-3''7-dihydroxyphenoxazine] *CAS#: 119171-73-2* 25mg ¥2''340 ¥1''989
11501 Amplite Fluorimetric Hydrogen Peroxide Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence* 500 Tests ¥2''340 ¥1''989
11503 Amplite Intracellular Fluorimetric Hydrogen Peroxide Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence* 200 Tests ¥2''340 ¥1''989
11614 MUP [4-Methylumbelliferyl phosphate'' free acid] *UltraPure grade* 25mg ¥900 ¥765
12507 D-Luciferin'' potassium salt *UltraPure Grade* 1 g ¥6''600 ¥5''610
12511 D-Luciferin'' sodium salt *CAS#: 103404-75-7* 1g ¥6''600 ¥5''610
12535 Amplite Renilla Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit *Bright Glow* 1 plate ¥2''340 ¥1''989
17520 Hoechst 33258 *UltraPure grade* 100 mg ¥900 ¥765
17530 Hoechst 33342 *UltraPure grade* 100 mg ¥900 ¥765
17535 Hoechst 33342 *20 mM solution in water* 5ml ¥900 ¥765
17561 LDS 751 25mg ¥1''140 ¥969
20030 Annexin V'' FITC Labeled 100 tests ¥2''340 ¥1''989
20071 Annexin V-iFluor™ 488 conjugate 100 tests ¥2''340 ¥1''989
20072 Annexin V-iFluor™ 555 conjugate 100 tests ¥2''340 ¥1''989
20073 Annexin V-iFluor™ 594 conjugate 100 tests ¥2''340 ¥1''989
21021 Fura-2'' AM *UltraPure Grade* 1 mg ¥1''140 ¥969
21023 Fura-2'' AM *UltraPure grade* 20x50 ug ¥2''100 ¥1''785
21060 Rhod-2'' AM 1mg ¥2''100 ¥1''785
21080 Quest Fluo-8™'' AM 1 mg ¥2''940 ¥2''499
21121 Quest Rhod-4™'' AM 5x50 ug ¥2''340 ¥1''989
21130 Cal-520'' AM 10x50 ug ¥2''340 ¥1''989
22004 Calcein'' AM *UltraPure grade* 20x50 ug ¥2''340 ¥1''989
22022 CFSE [5-(and 6)-Carboxyfluorescein diacetate'' succinimidyl ester] *Mixed isomers* 25mg ¥1''140 ¥969
22034 DiD Perchlorate *UltraPure Grade* 25mg ¥900 ¥765
22038 DiOC2(3) iodide [3''3-Diethyloxacarbocyanine iodide] 25mg ¥900 ¥765
22066 DiO perchlorate [3''3-Dioctadecyloxacarbocyanine perchlorate] 25mg ¥900 ¥765
22070 DiR iodide/细胞膜荧光探针DiR碘化物 25mg ¥900 ¥765
22101 DiI iodide [1''1-Dioctadecyl-3''3''3''3- tetramethylindocarbocyanine iodide] 100mg ¥900 ¥765
22211 Rhodamine B'' hexyl ester'' perchlorate 10mg ¥900 ¥765
22221 TMRM [Tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester] *CAS#: 115532-50-8* 25mg ¥1''116 ¥948
22501 Cell Explorer™ Fixable Dead Cell Labeling Kit *Green Fluorescence with 405 nm Excitation* 200 Tests ¥1''740 ¥1''479
22658 Cell Navigator™ Lysosomal Staining Kit *Red Fluorescence* 1 kit ¥1''740 ¥1''479
22661 Cell Navigator™ F-Actin Labeling Kit *Green Fluorescence* 1 kit ¥2''340 ¥1''989
22796 Cell Meter™ Caspase 3/7 Activity Apoptosis Assay Kit * Green Fluorescence* 200 Tests ¥2''340 ¥1''989
22800 Cell Meter™ JC-10 Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Assay Kit(用于酶标板) 500 Tests ¥3''540 ¥3''009
22801 Cell Meter™ JC-10 Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Assay Kit (用于流式) 100 Tests ¥3''540 ¥3''009
(来源: 天津百萤生物科技有限公司

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