TonkBio cDNA 位列前茅链合成试剂盒免费试用
- 上海同科生物科技有限公司2017年10月23日 10:40 点击:1258
Storage and Stability
Store all system components at -20℃ for one year.
The TonkBioTM First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit for RT-PCR is optimized to efficient synthesize first strand cDNA from mRNA or total RNA templates. The kit uses M-MLV reverse transcriptase with lower RNase H activity, which avoids degradation of RNA when RNA-DNA hybrid forms in the progress of cDNA synthesis. It is suitable for synthesis of cDNA up to 9 kb.
The cDNA products could be used directly in a variety of downstream applications, including PCR, qPCR, gene clone.
1. For research use only.
2. Use RNase-free reagents during RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis process.
3. NO repeated freezing and thawing RNA. RNA should be dissolved in ice-water mixture.
4. The reverse transcription reaction products should be stored at -20℃.
5. Wear gloves when handling RNA and all reagents as skin is a common source of RNases.
Example of application
Troubleshooting Guide
1. NO or low product of RT PCR
1)Degradation of RNA template. RNA Purity and integrity is important to obtain full length cDNA. Users have to make gel electrophoresis detection to ensure no degradation occurred. And avoid repeated freezing and thawing RNA.
2)Low concentration of RNA template. Trace amount of agents used in RNA purification may remain in solution and inhibit cDNA synthesis. Suggest to wash RNA with 75% ethanol ( prepared by DEPC water) carefully.
3)Incorrect primers. Select random primers or specific primers instead of OligodT primer with bacterial RNA or RNA without a poly A tail.
4)GC rich template. If the RNA template is GC-rich or contains secondary structures, choose random primers and increase the reaction temperature of transcription up to 55℃.
2. RT-PCR product longer than expected
RNA sample is contaminated with DNA. To avoid genomic DNA contamination, User could use DNase I to digest RNA sample before transcription or design primers on exon-intron boundaries.
3. Product of RT-PCR in negative control
RNA template is contaminated with DNA. Perform DNaseI digestion prior reverse transcription.
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