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上海育丰国际贸易有限公司 Yu Feng International Trade Co., Ltd

互联网2013年6月9日 15:36 点击:3063

 上海育丰国际贸易有限公司  Yu Feng International Trade Co., Ltd www.shyufeng.com

专业的电镜附件和耗材服务商: 提供最先进的仪器设备,提供最专业的技术支持,提供最齐全的耗材服务


目前拥有多个国际知名厂商在中国的独家代理权,产品几乎涵盖了所有的电镜外围设备,如Fischione离子减薄仪,RMC超薄切片机,TVIPS透射电镜CCD相机,NanoMEGAS旋进电子衍射技术, IfG扫描电镜X射线微分析系统, Quorum临界点干燥仪、离子溅射仪及真空喷镀仪,SPI的电镜耗材等。在中国已经有广大的用户群,高质量、高性能及优惠的价格一直受到用户的拥护。



公司名称: 上海育丰国际贸易有限公司
通讯地址: 上海市莘建东路58弄绿地蓝海A座609室
邮政编码: 201100
咨询电话: 021-64136751 64136791
传真号码: 021-64132465

Yu Feng International Trade Co., Ltd is a trading company based in Shanghai. It comprises Instrument Division, Technical Service Division and Int’l Trade Division. Yu Feng distinguishes itself from the other instrument/trading agents through its unique service provided to our customers.



Our Service:

Ø Introducing the latest technology and advanced products from abroad to Chinese market; Providing technological consulting and service; Conducting collaborative R&D with our customers aiming to the have better technology development and application.


Ø Supplying instrument/integrated system for the laboratory, quality control examination system and research projects; as well as integrated service for automatical & intelligentized instrument systems.


Ø Providing information of new technologies and products.


Ø Supplying scientific instrument for special use, chemicals and laboratory consumables.


Ø Laboratory design and system planning.



Our Goal:

To become a unique service-centered company that provides integrated and synthesized service for technology and product. To promote technological development by R&D and innovation.


Our Post-Sales Service:

We are the one channel that provides all the post-sales service. There is no need for our customers to have face different suppliers.



(来源: 互联网 )

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