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SmartPill2012年10月5日 11:57 点击:1929

SmartPill  www.smartpillcorp.com

2012年Given Imaging收购SmartPill公司资产

SmartPill      以色列吉文成像,Given Imaging, 

The SmartPill Corporation is a developer and manufacturer of ingestible, capsule-based medical devices that aid in the diagnosis, definition and therapeutic intervention of gastrointestinal disorders and diseases.

Privately-held, SmartPill is located in downtown Buffalo, New York on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, affording the Company direct access to a wide spectrum of life sciences research resources and partners.

SmartPill's Corporate Goals

To be the world leader in the development of capsule-based medical devices that aid in the evaluation and diagnosis of Gastrointestinal disorders.

The SmartPill is a multi-platform, multi-channel technology with the potential to redefine the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders. The company's strategy is to introduce products that address the unmet clinical need for comfortable and more accurate diagnostic tools leading to earlier and more effective treatment.

The company plans to expand the current product platform by conducting multi-site clinical trials to extend product claims to address such disorders as Constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Other areas of interest for the company are small bowel bacterial overgrowth, diabetes and drug efficacy.

The company will challenge current diagnostic techniques, explore unattainable areas of the gastrointestinal tract and provide direction for the effective management of gastrointestinal diseases.

(来源: SmartPill )

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