庞德生技有限公司 Bond biotech
- 庞德生技有限公司2012年7月28日 13:31 点击:2321
庞德生技有限公司 Bond biotech www.bondbiotech.com.tw
台湾唯一全部为医技系毕业所组成的销售团队,独家代理Leica,Novocastra and Bond-max及以下各大厂牌抗体,若需任何服务请与我们联络。
TEL: (04)-2652-1202
FAX: (04)-2652-3797
0800-326-338 Email: bond.biotech@msa.hinet.net
Bondbiotech ,the only sales team with Medical Technology for all, has committed to induce high quality reagent and equipments to provide the application of diagnosis and research . Our core business is antibody concerning products as well as our policy is the agent of exclusive , including the Leica microsystem Bond and Novocastra and so on ,exclusive in Taiwan .
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