
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

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上海申越实验器材有限公司Shanghai Sunyear

上海申越实验器材有限公司2012年8月29日 15:46 点击:3760

上海申越实验器材有限公司 Shanghai Sunyear www.sunyear.net
上海申越实验器材有限公司以生物分离产品为核心业务,主要提供客户通用实验室器材, 制备仪器与纯化设备、大分子蛋白等电聚焦毛细管电泳/层析/膜过滤, 以及相关技术服务, 主要涵盖医药与生物医药行业。

公司自1995年成立以来,依靠全体员工的辛勤努力与广大客户的信任支持,已茁壮成为业界中坚。公司装备了能满足制备层析中试规模的实验室, 并在北京、深圳设有办事处, 使销售与技术服务网络能覆盖全国. 我们有一支高水平有经验的专业团队, 能帮助客户快捷高效地引进并消化国外先进的产品与技术,满足现代生物分离科研与生产的需要。我们可以提供新产品市场推广, 纯化工艺放大优化,小规模产品纯化, 以及设备集成与维修服务。凭借专业的技术服务、快捷的物流、经济合理的价格,我们与众多医药与生物医药客户建立了长期稳定的业务关系。包括:海正药业、珠海联邦等上市股份公司等。

我们的合作伙伴包括 Novasep, Millipore, Convergent Bio 等世界一流厂商, 通过学习与培训, 在胜任这些一流产品的销售与技术服务工作的同时我们逐步掌握并消化了先进技术, 使我们的员工素质和专业技术服务水平达到相当水平.

上海申越实验器材有限公司 Shanghai Sunyear

联系地址: 上海市华山路1954号交通大学浩然高科技大厦1807室
邮政编码: 200030
联系电话: 021-62933221/62832173/52543258
公司热线: 8009881272
传  真: 021-62933286
电子信箱: FrankDing@sunyear.net
Shanghai Sunyear Co. Ltd. is a leading distributor of bioseparation product. We offer general purpose lab instrument, preparative and purification system, capillary electrophoresis, membrane filtration and related technical service that covers pharmaceutical and biomedical field.

Since the founding in 1995, Sunyear has gradually become one of the leading companies in the industry, thanks to our diligent staff and faithful clients. Sunyear sets up a lab that can meet the requirement of pilot experiment. And our offices are distributed in Beijing and Shenzhen, providing nationwide sales and technical support service in our lab. Our experienced and skillful team can assist clients to identify and adopt advanced products and technologies from abroad in order to improve the efficiency in modernized bioseperation research and production. We offer services in new product promotion, small-scale purification, separation process optimization, system integration and maintenance. Our professional services, fast deliver, and reasonable prices have helped us establish long-term business relations with numerous clients, including Hisun Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Zhuhai United Laboratories International Holdings Ltd., etc.

We boast partnerships with leading companies such as Novasep, Millipore, Convergent Bio, and the professionalism achieved through sales and technical services we provide for their products.

We will be constantly making progress with you and the economy of China!

(来源: 上海申越实验器材有限公司 )

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