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美国Aurora Imaging Technology, Inc

Aurora Imaging Technology2010年7月2日 13:54 点击:4648

美国Aurora Imaging Technology, Inc. www.auroramri.com
美国Aurora Imaging Technology


Aurora影像技术公司是一家私有公司,位于马萨诸塞州North Andover,公司致力于征服乳腺癌。Aurora公司力求制造最高品质、最具成本效益的乳腺磁共振解决方案,并与美国日益增长的最优秀的乳腺癌治疗中心合作,提供乳腺癌检测、诊断、活检和处理的终极方案。在美国、欧洲和亚洲,临床应用 Aurora乳腺磁共振系统的领先乳腺癌治疗中心迅速增长。如需寻找您附近的Aurora乳腺专用磁共振系统,请访问www.auroramri.com

Aurora Imaging Technology Inc. is a private company based in North Andover, Mass. committed to expanding the fight against breast cancer. Aurora strives to manufacture the highest quality and most cost-effective breast MRI solutions, and partners with a growing number of the nation's finest breast care centers to provide the ultimate in the detection, diagnosis, biopsy and management of breast cancer. The Aurora Breast MRI System is in clinical use at a rapidly growing number of leading breast care centers in the U.S., Europe and Asia. To find an Aurora Dedicated Breast MRI System near you, visit www.auroramri.com .

(来源: Aurora Imaging Technology )

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