汉基科技香港有限公司 Honkei Technology Hong Kong Limited
- 汉基科技香港有限公司2012年8月20日 10:06 点击:1827
汉基科技香港有限公司 Honkei Technology Hong Kong Limited www.honkei.com
漢基科技本著以客為尊的宗旨,透過網頁提供第一手的產品資訊和最新消息。我們的網頁會陸續更新,歡迎各界提供寶貴的意見。顧客如對我們的產品和服務有任何查詢,歡迎致電本公司客戶服務熱線 (852)2332-5365 或傳真至 (852)2332-5317 或電郵至info@honkei.com
Welcome to the Honkei Technology Hong Kong Limited web site. We are one of the newly established distributor company of environmental engineering, scientific instrumentations in Hong Kong. We represent leading manufacturers supplying equipment and calibration service to consulting engineers, construction companies, government sectors, research institutes, laboratories and universities.
We plan to accomplish this mission by marketing innovative and technology based products and services and providing customized total solutions that meet the changing needs of our customers.
The Honkei Technology motto is: the customer is No.1. We're here to assist you with any aspect of customer service. If any questions arise as you surf through our site, you may call us at (852)2332-5365.
A little about our company, we have been in the for over and now have employees to help you with all of your needs.
We are currently based in the area and we really do appreciate your business!
We will continue to add product and company information to this site on a weekly basis so if you don't find what you're looking for please check back often.
Moreover, Honkei Technology is take care to our client, if you have any questions you could send us an email at info@honkei.com or give us a call at (852)2332-5365, and fax (852)2332-5317 or use our super quick online form.
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