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现在位置首页>技术资料首页>行业动态>招商代理>NewBridge Pharmaceuticals将在中东与非洲分销Verinata Verifi产前诊断试剂

NewBridge Pharmaceuticals将在中东与非洲分销Verinata Verifi产前诊断试剂

互联网2013年2月16日 14:02 点击:1743

美国Verinata Health 

NewBridge Pharmaceuticals将在中东与非洲分销Verinata Verifi产前诊断试剂

NewBridge to Offer Verinata's Verifi Test in Middle East, Africa

NewBridge Pharmaceuticals today announced an agreement to offer Verinata Health's non-invasive prenatal tests in the Middle East and surrounding areas.

Under the exclusive agreement, NewBridge will offer Verinata's Verifi test in the Middle East, Africa, Turkey, and Caspian regions. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, NewBridge is a specialty therapeutics firm that commercializes pharmaceuticals, biologics, diagnostics, and medical devices in the Middle East and neighboring areas.

Verinata's test uses a blood sample from the mother to detect trisomy 21, 18, and 13, as well as the most common fetal sex chromosome aneuploidies, such as Turner syndrome, Triple X, Klinefelter syndrome, and Jacobs syndrome.

Illumina last month announced that it is buying Verinata for $450 million, and PerkinElmer signed a deal to be the exclusive US marketing partner for the Verifi test.

"Verinata's goal is to be a global leader in maternal and fetal health," Vance Vanier, president of Verinata, said in a statement. "Newbridge Pharma's strong record of improving healthcare in the Middle East, Africa, and Turkey makes them an ideal partner to bring the Verifi prenatal test to expectant mothers and the physicians who wish to deliver a world class standard of care."

(来源: 互联网 )

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