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现在位置首页>技术资料首页>行业动态>招商代理>西门子将分销Sysmex Hemostasis Analyzers的仪器和试剂

西门子将分销Sysmex Hemostasis Analyzers的仪器和试剂

Sysmex2012年8月13日 11:18 点击:3344

日本 希森美康 Sysmex   西门子

7月19日西门子与西森美康宣布合作,合作范围为Siemens在2013年至2018年代理Sysmex Hemostasis Analyzers的仪器和试剂,合作不包含中国大陆。

Sysmex and Siemens Renew Global Partnership for Hemostasis Solutions and Services

Release Date:  July 19, 2012

Media Contact: Corporate Communications
Sysmex Corporation (HQ: Kobe, Japan; President and CEO: Hisashi Ietsugu) and Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics (HQ: NY, USA; CEO: Michael Reitermann) have announced the signing of a five-year global supply, distributorship, sales and service contract extension under which clinical laboratory customers around the world can retain access to the largest portfolio of innovative hemostasis instruments and reagents through 2018. The companies, which began partnering in 1995, also agreed to continue joint product development activities, ensuring customer access to new hemostasis technology. The signing occurred during the 2012 AACC and ASCLS Annual Meetings and Clinical Lab Expo in Los Angeles, California.
The large assortment of hemostasis products covered in this latest agreement is used by clinical laboratories to test for blood disorders in patients and to monitor patients on blood-thinning medication. To date, Sysmex and Siemens have released to market a variety of advanced solutions, including the recently launched Sysmex CS-5100*1, the top-end model in Sysmex’s CS hemostasis analyzer series, the Sysmex® CA-600 Systems*1, a new line of compact, fully automated hemostasis analyzers, as well as several new Siemens INNOVANCE™ reagents.
“We are pleased to extend our longstanding relationship with Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics,” said Hisashi Ietsugu, President and CEO of Sysmex Corporation. “Our partnership in the field of hemostasis combines the strength of two leading diagnostics companies whose joint expertise offers best-in-class solutions to the laboratory. We remain committed to further expand our offerings with enhanced clinical utility and workflow efficiency.”
“Our shared goal to deliver high quality products and services that address our customers’ needs is a key reason for the success of our 17-year relationship,” said Michael Reitermann, CEO, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics. “Sysmex and Siemens remains a reliable partnership for customers worldwide amidst an evolving hemostasis market. Together, we will continue offering customers the broad portfolio of hemostasis solutions they have come to expect from us and we will also focus on delivering next-generation technologies going forward.”
1) The products/features mentioned herein are not commercially available in all countries. Due to regulatory reasons their future availability cannot be guaranteed.

About Sysmex Corporation
Sysmex Corporation is a world leader in clinical laboratory systemization and solutions, including laboratory diagnostics, laboratory automation and clinical information systems. Serving customers for more than 40 years, Sysmex focuses on technological leadership in diagnostic science and information tools that make a difference in the health of people worldwide. The company is also exploring emerging opportunities in the life science field. Its R & D efforts focus on the development of high-value-added testing and diagnostic technologies that are innovative, original and optimize individual health. Sysmex also seeks to leverage its state-of-the-art technologies for gene and protein analysis. The company, headquartered in Kobe, Japan, has subsidiaries in North America, Latin America, Europe, China and Asia Pacific and employs more than 5,000 employees worldwide.  Sysmex Corporation is listed in the top tier of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. For more information about Sysmex Corporation and its affiliate companies, please visit http://www.sysmex.co.jp/en/.
About Siemens Healthcare Sector
The Siemens Healthcare Sector is one of the world's largest suppliers to the healthcare industry and a trendsetter in medical imaging, laboratory diagnostics, medical information technology and hearing aids. Siemens offers its customers products and solutions for the entire range of patient care from a single source – from prevention and early detection to diagnosis, and on to treatment and aftercare. By optimizing clinical workflows for the most common diseases, Siemens also makes healthcare faster, better and more cost-effective. Siemens Healthcare employs some 51,000 employees worldwide and operates around the world. In fiscal year 2011 (to September 30), the Sector posted revenue of 12.5 billion euros and profit of around 1.3 billion euros. For further information please visit: www.siemens.com/healthcare.

(来源: Sysmex )

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