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Biolog 任命新的欧洲经销商

互联网2012年10月8日 13:28 点击:2113



Biolog Announces Appointment of Distributors in Europe

New distributors to cover sales and marketing of Biolog’s innovative product lines.

New distributors were announced by Biolog, Inc. to cover sales and marketing of its innovative product lines for characterization and identification of diverse cell types, from bacteria to human cells.

The distributors and their respective territories are IUL Instruments GmbH, Koningswinter, Germany (Germany and Austria), Awel International, Blain, France (France), A&LCO Industries, Cologno, Italy (Italy), and IUL S.A., Barcelona, Spain (Spain).

According to Barry Bochner, CEO & CSO at Biolog, "The distributors were selected as being most qualified to provide local supply, technical and service support to our customers in these countries."

Biolog's flagship product is the GEN III MicroPlate™, a test panel that can be used for identifying over 1,300 species of bacteria and covering human pathogens, animal pathogens, plant pathogens, and typical environmental bacteria.

Phenotype MicroArrays™, the company's most advanced product line, have diverse applications ranging from basic genetic and cellular research to cancer studies, drug and toxicology studies, and bioprocess optimization.

Biolog's product lines also include advanced instrumented systems such as the OmniLog® and MicroStation™ that automatically read and help to interpret the phenotypic data that is generated.

(来源: 互联网 )

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