Pacific Biosciences与Sage Science 联合营销全自动核酸制备电泳系统 Blue Pippin
- 互联网2013年5月17日 13:20 点击:1677
Pacific Biosciences Partners with Sage Science to Co-market DNA Size Selection Device
Pacific Biosciences has partnered with Sage Science to co-market Sage's BluePippin DNA size selection device for use with the PacBio RS II single-molecule sequencer, the companies said today.
The BluePippin platform enables users to isolate DNA fragments of a specific length, ranging from 50 bases to 50 kilobases, in an automated way that can then be used to generate next-generation sequencing libraries.
Selecting long DNA fragments for library preparation increases the average read length generated on the PacBio RS II.
"We have found that the BluePippin size selection platform is very useful for applications where long read lengths are important, such as de novo genome assembly," said Kevin Corcoran, senior vice president of market development at Pacific Biosciences, in a statement.
Using the BluePippin "is an easy addition to our customers' sample prep workflow to select for 10 [kilobase] or larger fragments for sequencing on the PacBio RS II," he added.
Financial or other terms of the co-marketing agreement were not disclosed.
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