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GVK Biosciences Pvt. Ltd. 宣布在台湾新设经销商

互联网2013年2月26日 9:24 点击:3164

(中央社讯息服务20130225 15:02:16)印度海德拉巴--(美国商业资讯)--为生命科学业提供资料库和服务的领先供应商GVK Biosciences Pvt. Ltd.已选择创源生物科技股份有限公司(GGA)作为其资讯科学资料库产品和服务在台湾的经销商。
           GVK Biosciences Pvt. Ltd.资讯科学业务开发副总裁Sreeni Devidas说:「创源生技是台湾生命科学产业公认的优质经销商,我们很高兴与一支才干卓著的销售团队合作,他们将有助于拓展本公司在台湾的客户基础。创源生技将负责SAR、生物标记和临床成效资料库的经销,还可能推广GVK BIO提供的BioIT和Data Curation服务。」
创源生技分子视算中心副总经理李佩力(Pei-Li Li)博士表示:「GVK BIO多元的产品和卓越的BioIT服务有效充实了创源生技的资讯科学业务阵容。我们很高兴成为GVK BIO的经销伙伴,因为这将使本公司有能力为台湾制药及生物技术产业的研究人员提供这些优秀工具。下列能力将刺激台湾制药业的进步:寻找期望中的生物标记,展开查询并比较药物结构和活性,分析、设计、预测临床试验的成效能否成功。」
        关于GVK Biosciences Pvt Ltd GVK Biosciences (GVK BIO)是亚洲领先的发现和研发组织。GVK BIO提供研发价值链上谱系广泛的服务,包括单项服务和整合服务。本公司的发现服务包括化学、生物学和资讯科学;开发服务包括临床研究、临床药理学和流程研发。GVK BIO的多元产品组合和重量级客户群包括200多家客户,其中不乏世界最大的制药、生物技术、农业、生命科学公司和领先的学术机构。
         关于GGA 创源生物科技股份有限公司(Genesis Genetics Asia Corp. , GGA) (TPO:4160)是亚洲优质基因诊断和研究枢纽之一,也是台湾领先的科学资讯解决方案供应商。GGA拥有最先进的诊断技术,其遗传学实验室已帮助众多新生儿免于无法治愈的遗传性疾病。2004年以来,创源生技的资讯科学业务部分子科学中心(MSC)一直在运用台湾及亚太其他地区先进的科学资讯技术和优质内容来推动制药和生物技术研究的进步。创源生技的干湿实验室的联合目标是帮助发现病因及相关的解决方案,从而改善生命品质。联络方式:GVK Biosciences Private Limited Sreeni Devidas Vice President – Business Development(业务开发副总裁)T: (443)-838-6260 E: sreeni.devidas@gvkbio.com www.gvkbio.com Sushant Datta DGM Corporate-Brand & Communications(DGM企业品牌与传播)T: +91(40)66929999, E: sushant.datta@gvkbio.com www.gvkbio.com Genesis Genetics Asia Corp. Pei-Li Li, Ph.D.(李佩力博士)Vice President, Molecular Science Center (MSC)(分子视算中心(MSC)副总经理)T: +886-2-2795 1777 E: peili@gga.asia www.gga.asia 

讯息来源:Business Wire

GVK Biosciences Pvt. Ltd. Announces New Distributor in Taiwan


HYDERABAD, India--()--GVK Biosciences Pvt. Ltd., a leading provider of databases and services to the Life Sciences industry, has selected GGA as its distributor for its Informatics Database products and services in Taiwan.

“The ability to search for the desired biomarkers; make queries and compare drug structures and activities; analyze, design and predict the successful outcome in clinical trials will give impetus to Taiwan’s pharmaceutical industry in progressing ahead.”

“Genesis Genetics Asia Corp. is recognized as the premier distributor in the Life Sciences industry in Taiwan and we are pleased to work with a high caliber sales team that will help expand our customer base in the region,” said Sreeni Devidas, Vice President, Business Development, Informatics, GVK Biosciences Pvt. Ltd. “GGA will be responsible for distribution of the SAR, Biomarker and Clinical Outcomes databases and would also promote the BioIT and Data Curation services offered by GVK BIO.”

“GVK BIO’s comprehensive products and superior BioIT services are powerful additions to GGA’s portfolio in informatics business. We are pleased to become GVK BIO’s distribution partner as it will enable our company to provide researchers in the Taiwanese pharma-biotech industries with such great tools,” said Dr. Pei-Li Li, Vice President, Molecular Science Center, Genesis Genetics Asia Corp. “The ability to search for the desired biomarkers; make queries and compare drug structures and activities; analyze, design and predict the successful outcome in clinical trials will give impetus to Taiwan’s pharmaceutical industry in progressing ahead.”

About GVK Biosciences Pvt Ltd

GVK Biosciences (GVK BIO) is Asia’s leading Discovery, Research and Development organization. GVK BIO provides a broad spectrum of services, stand-alone and integrated, across the R&D value chain. Our discovery services comprise of Chemistry, Biology and Informatics; the development services includeClinical Research, Clinical Pharmacology and Process R&D. GVK BIO’s diverse portfolio and prestigious clientele comprising of more than 200 customers includes some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical, biotechnology, agro, life-sciences companies and leading academic institutions. Please visit us atwww.gvkbio.com to know more.

About GGA

Genesis Genetics Asia Corp. (GGA) (TPO:4160) is one of the premier genetic diagnosis and research hubs in Asia and a leading scientific informatics solution provider in Taiwan. Armed with cutting-edge diagnostic technologies, GGA’s genetics lab has helped free many new-born babies from incurable genetic disorder diseases. GGA’s informatics business arm, Molecular Science Center (MSC), has been progressing further in pharma-biotech research using advanced scientific informatics technologies and premium contents in Taiwan as well as in other Asia Pacific countries since 2004. Together GGA’s wet and dry labs aim to help discover the causes and the relevant solutions for improving the quality of life.


GVK Biosciences Private Limited
Sreeni Devidas
Vice President – Business Development
T: (443)-838-6260
E: sreeni.devidas@gvkbio.com
Sushant Datta
DGM Corporate-Brand & Communications
T: +91(40)66929999,
E: sushant.datta@gvkbio.com
Genesis Genetics Asia Corp.
Pei-Li Li, Ph.D.
Vice President, Molecular Science Center (MSC)
T: +886-2-2795 1777
E: peili@gga.asia

(来源: 互联网 )

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