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Alpha Laboratories 在英国分销AdvanDx QuickFISH 产品

AdvanDx2012年11月21日 16:28 点击:2209

Alpha Laboratories 在英国分销AdvanDx QuickFISH 产品

AdvanDx launches QuickFISH and appoints Alpha Laboratories Ltd. as its distributor for the United Kingdom

The first molecular test to enable reporting of pathogen identification at the time of Gram stain results from positive blood cultures.

QuickFISH is a new, rapid, molecular diagnostic platform developed by AdvanDx based on its clinically proven proprietary PNA technology. The new platform enables unprecedented (20 minute) species identification of bacteria directly from positive blood cultures allowing the reporting of pathogen identification at the same time as the reporting of Gram stain results.

QuickFISH marks a significant advance in time-to-result and ease-of-use that will help clinicians, consultant microbiologists and hospital pharmacists optimize antibiotic therapy much earlier for patients with bloodstream infections, including septicemia. QuickFISH identifies bacterial pathogens including Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci. AdvanDx has received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and completed the CE mark requirements as part of the launch process.

To strengthen the service and support to hospitals and trusts, AdvanDx has appointed Alpha Laboratories as exclusive distributor  for the United Kingdom. Established for over 35 years, Alpha Laboratories has extensive experience supplying and supporting specialist diagnostic kits and laboratory supplies for healthcare professionals in the UK.

Alpha Laboratories will be co-exhibiting with AdvanDx at the upcoming Federation of Infection Societies/Health Care Infection Society (FIS/HIS 2012) in Liverpool, 19-21 November, 2012. Please come and see us at booth #50 to learn more on QuickFISH.

FISH Features:

  • 5 Min. Hands-on Time – Simplifies and streamlines laboratory workflow.

  • 20 Min. Turn-around Time – Fast enough to be reported with Gram stain results.

  • Built-in, Universal Controls – Ensures confidence in test results.

  • Limited Instrumentation and Capital Investment Required – Easy and inexpensive to implement and start testing.

Additional QuickFISH assays for identification of other clinically important microbial species are currently in development for launch in 2012 and 2013 and will provide continued opportunities for AdvanDx, Alpha Laboratories and health care professionals to work together to improve patient care and reduce overall healthcare costs in the United Kingdom.

For further information please visit www.AdvanDx.com and www.alphalabs.co.uk or call Alpha Laboratories at (0) 23 8048 3000.


Kind Regards,

Steen Hesthaven                                              David Giles

European Sales Director                                Chairman

AdvanDx A/S                                                    Alpha laboratories

info@AdvanDx.com                                         info@alphalabs.co.uk

(来源: AdvanDx )

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