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现在位置首页>技术资料首页>行业动态>招商代理>Boston Scientific与Fukuda Denshi签署其神经调节产品在日本的分销协议

Boston Scientific与Fukuda Denshi签署其神经调节产品在日本的分销协议

Boston Scientific2013年2月26日 15:12 点击:1814

美国波士顿科学Boston Scientific  Fukuda Denshi

2013年2月20日 波士顿科学日前与日本Fukuda Denshi签署了一份关于其神经调节产品的分销协议。波士顿科学将借助Fukuda Denshi在日本的销售资源、分销网络及售后服务,开拓日本市场。


Boston Scientific Signs Agreement with Fukuda Denshi for Distribution of Neuromodulation Devices in Japan

Feb 20, 2013

TOKYO, Feb. 21, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- (Feb. 20, 2013 US Time) Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) subsidiary Boston Scientific Japan K.K. has reached an agreement with Fukuda Denshi Co., Ltd. to market and sell the Boston Scientific Spinal Cord Precision Plus System and accessories throughout Japan. Fukuda Denshi's extensive sales resources, distribution network and service capabilities are expected to enable Boston Scientific to reach substantially more accounts, customers and patients in Japan. Fukuda Denshi will begin distributing Boston Scientific Neuromodulation products April 1, 2013.

Boston Scientific is a leading developer of Neuromodulation devices used to manage chronic neuropathic pain. The Boston Scientific Spinal Cord Precision Plus System is the only device on the market with 16 dedicated, independent current sources designed to precisely target patient pain and the only device to offer patients wireless charging and wireless remote control to treat their pain. The remote controller is designed for patient ease of use due to its small size.

"We are pleased to reach this agreement with Fukuda Denshi to distribute our Neuromodulation products in Japan," said Yusuke Naiki, president, Boston Scientific Japan. "Fukuda Denshi has been an established player in Japan for more than 70 years, with a proven track record and a long and successful history of delivering results. We look forward to a successful relationship."

Currently, more than 60,000 patients around the world are using The Precision Plus System.

About Boston Scientific

Boston Scientific transforms lives through innovative medical solutions that improve the health of patients around the world. As a global medical technology leader for more than 30 years, we advance science for life by providing a broad range of high performance solutions that address unmet patient needs and reduce the cost of healthcare. For more information, visit us at www.bostonscientific.com.

About Fukuda Denshi

Founded in 1939, Fukuda Denshi is a global leader in the research and development, manufacture and sale of medical electronics equipment. With corporate headquarters in Tokyo, the company supports direct sales and distributor networks globally.

(来源: Boston Scientific )

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