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现在位置首页>技术资料首页>行业动态>招商代理>Pall Life Sciences 将在印度分销Avacta Analytical的Optim 1000 超低量蛋白分析系统

Pall Life Sciences 将在印度分销Avacta Analytical的Optim 1000 超低量蛋白分析系统

互联网2012年10月9日 19:03 点击:2365


美国颇尔Pall      英国Avacta

Pall Life Sciences 将在印度分销Avacta Analytical的Optim 1000 超低量蛋白分析系统 

Avacta extends Pall Life Sciences’ Optim 1000 distribution agreement to include India

Deal marks Avacta’s entry to the third largest Asia-Pacific biotech market

Avacta Analytical, a leading provider of analytical technologies, has signed a third distribution agreement with Pall Life Sciences – a global leader in filtration, separation and purification – appointing Pall as the Indian distributor for its market-leading Optim 1000 protein drug development tool. The Optim 1000 is an innovative analytical instrument that provides biopharmaceutical developers with information about the viability of candidate drug molecules and formulations much earlier in the drug development process, avoiding costly end stage product failures. The latest collaboration extends the existing North America and South East Asia agreements, granting Pall exclusive marketing and distribution rights to the Optim 1000, to include India.

Alastair Smith, Chief Executive of Avacta Group, commented: “Pall has proved an excellent partner for Avacta, and the success of our existing collaborations in North America and South East Asia was a major factor in the decision to appoint the Company as the sole distributor for the Optim 1000 in India. The Indian biopharma industry is growing rapidly, offering exciting new opportunities, and we look forward to working with Pall in this new territory.”

For more information, visit http://www.avactaanalytical.com/optim-1000

About Avacta Analytical

Avacta Analytical provides services and innovative instrumentation to the biopharmaceutical market. Our focus is to equip customers with a broad range of capabilities, enabling them to develop their therapeutics quicker, cheaper and better.

The groundbreaking Optim 1000 is an innovative analytical instrument designed to probe multiple stability-indicating parameters at high speed using ultra-low sample volumes of proteins and other molecules.

Our services business specialises in supporting characterisation, formulation, comparability and stability studies of therapeutic proteins. We are able to draw upon a wide range of analytical capabilities and aim to give our customers a flexible value-added service.

Avacta Analytical is an ISO 9001 2008 registered company

Sarah Allen at kdm communications limited, St Neots, UK
Tel. +44 (0)1480 405333   Fax: +44 (0)1480 477833
Email: ideas@kdm-communications.com
(来源: 互联网 )

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