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Cole-Parmer将分销Pressure BioSciences Shredder SG3

互联网2012年11月8日 12:11 点击:1555

美国科尔帕默Cole-Parmer   Pressure BioSciences


Cole-Parmer to Distribute Pressure Bio's Sample Prep System


Pressure BioSciences said in a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission today that Cole-Parmer has signed an agreement to distribute the firm's PBI Shredder SG3 System on a non-exclusive basis.

The PBI Shredder is used for extraction of DNA, RNA, protein, mitochondria, and small molecules and creates a closed system in which to prepare samples for further analysis.

Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

Vernon Hills, Ill.-based Cole-Parmer is a provider of laboratory and industrial fluid handling products, instruments, and supplies.

(来源: 互联网 )

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