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VWR公司和Thermo Fisher签署全球分销协议

VWR2013年9月7日 14:51 点击:3746

美国VWR International  赛默飞世尔科技,Thermo Fisher Scientific,

2013年9月4日,全球实验室用品、设备、服务解决方案供应商VWR公司宣布,它已经与Thermo Fisher签署了一项全球分销协议。

  Thermo Fisher是VWR最重要的全球供应商之一,其产品供给所有VWR的客户,包括制药、生物技术、工业、教育、政府和医疗保健等领域。

  “我们很高兴能与VWR继续我们长期的业务关系。他们的经验和卓越服务为赛默飞品牌提供重要的价值和优势”,赛默飞实验室产品业务高级副总裁Thomas Loewald说。

  “许多年来VWR和Thermo Fisher一直一起在为科学服务。我们很高兴签订了这一项协议,以确保我们可以给客户有提供更广泛的产品,”VWR总裁兼首席执行长Manuel Brocke-Benz谈到,“我们期待着继续为客户提供他们需要的解决方案。”


VWR International, LLC and Thermo Fisher Scientific Sign Global Agreement


RADNOR, PA, September 4, 2013 - VWR International, LLC, a global solutions provider of laboratory supplies, equipment and services, announced today it has signed a global distribution agreement with Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Thermo Fisher represents one of VWR's most important global suppliers with products supporting all of VWR's customer segments including pharmaceutical, biotech, industrial, educational, governmental and healthcare.

"We are excited to continue our long-standing relationship with VWR. Their experience and service excellence provides value and strength to the Thermo Scientific brand," stated Thomas Loewald, SVP and President of the company's Laboratory Products business.

"For many years VWR and Thermo Fisher have worked together to serve science. We are excited to have signed an agreement to ensure we have the broadest range of products to offer our customers," stated Manuel Brocke-Benz, President and CEO of VWR. "We look forward to continuing to provide the solutions our customers need for success."

About VWR International, LLC

VWR International, LLC, headquartered in Radnor, Pennsylvania, is a global provider of laboratory supplies, equipment and services with worldwide sales in excess of $4.1 billion in 2012. VWR enables the advancement of the world's most critical research by providing product and service solutions to laboratories and production facilities in the pharmaceutical, biotech, industrial, educational, governmental and healthcare industries. With over 160 years of industry experience, VWR offers a well-established network that reaches thousands of specialized labs and facilities spanning the globe. VWR has over 8,000 associates around the world working to streamline the way scientists, researchers, medical professionals and engineers across the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific stock and maintain their facilities. In addition, VWR further supports its customers by providing onsite services, storeroom management, product procurement, supply chain systems integration and technical services.

For more information on VWR, phone 1-800-932-5000, visit www.vwr.com, or write, VWR, Radnor Corporate Center, Building One, Suite 200, 100 Matsonford Road, Radnor, PA 19087.

VWR and design are registered trademarks of VWR International, LLC.

Media Contact:
Valerie Collado
Director, Corporate Communications

(来源: VWR )

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