- 互联网2012年9月5日 9:34 点击:43445
Ramcon A/S公司日前与BioSampling系统公司签订了分销协议。根据协议,Rancom A / S将分销BioSampling为制药和生物科技公司、医院和临床诊断实验室、研究机构、政府和机构推出的完整样例管理解决方案。
Ramcon A/S, BioSampling Systems sign distribution agreement
PBR Staff Writer Published 04 September 2012
BioSampling Systems has entered into partnership with Ramcon to make available its products in Nordic laboratories market.
As part of the agreement, Rancom A/S will distribute the full sample management solutions of BioSampling Systems range solutions for pharmaceutical and biotech companies, hospitals and clinical diagnostic labs, research institutions, governments and agencies.
Ramcon A/S as a partner, will receive partner benefits, such as access to the BioSampling Systems partner web-portal, product training, sales assistance and technical support, according to HospitalHealthcare.com.
The companies will show case 3S Total Chain, which is helpful in managing biological samples, in "Scanlab" tradeshow at Copenhagen.
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