Focus Diagnostics获得 Evogen HyBeacons PCR 探针技术授权用于分子诊断产品
- 互联网2013年3月14日 20:18 点击:1849
Focus Diagnostics Licenses Evogen PCR Probe Technology
Evogen has granted Focus Diagnostics a license to incorporate Evogen's HyBeacons PCR probe technology into Focus' molecular diagnostic products and services, the firms announced today.
HyBeacons probes are sequence-specific hybridization probes that contain two fluorophores per probe. Because HyBeacons are not hydrolyzed during PCR amplification, "positive confirmation of the amplicon is available by way of high definition melt curve analysis," according to the companies. They added that the technology provides "clear quantitative data" during amplification and has "proven capabilities with DNA and RNA targets."
Financial and other terms of the deal were not disclosed.
Evogen develops High Definition PCR molecular diagnostic systems and is based in Lenexa, Kan. Focus is a Quest Diagnostics business headquartered in Cypress, Calif., and develops molecular and immunology products, including the Simplexa line of molecular tests.
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