
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜



互联网2012年8月22日 14:06 点击:1703

美国 Hoefer    美国VWR International

8月20日,Harvard Bioscience公司全资子公司Hoefer表示,其与WR Internationa已经形成合作伙伴关系,主要在欧洲出售其电泳设备。

Hoefer Announces New Partnership with VWR International


Holliston MA, August 20, 2012 -- Hoefer, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Harvard Bioscience, Inc. (HBIO), announced its partnership with VWR International to sell its premium line of electrophoresis products across Europe.

This new partnership leverages Hoefer’s strong brand recognition and world-renowned reputation as an innovative supplier of premium electrophoresis equipment and accessories with VWR’s pan-European sales reach and distribution expertise.

“We are very excited about this new partnership with VWR International. VWR’s vast European reach and outstanding customer support is synergistic to Hoefer’s aggressive growth strategy. This relationship will significantly aid customer’s access to the strong Hoefer brand.” said John Attwood, Director of Sales and Marketing, Hoefer, Inc.

About Hoefer, Inc.

Hoefer, Inc., headquartered in Holliston Massachusetts, was established in 1967 and continues to develop, manufacture and market the highest quality of electrophoresis products in the United States for its customers around the world. Hoefer, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Harvard Bioscience, Inc. (HBIO).

Hoefer and design are registered trademarks of Hoefer, Inc.

For additional information contact:

Hoefer, Inc.
84 October Hill Road
Holliston, MA 01746 USA
Toll Free: 800-227-4750
Phone: 508-893-8999
Fax: 508-429-5732

E-mail: Support@Hoeferinc.com
Web: www.Hoeferinc.com

(来源: 互联网 )

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