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现在位置首页>技术资料首页>行业动态>新品动态>GE Healthcare向美国FDA提交GE乳房断层合成扫描的上市前申请许可

GE Healthcare向美国FDA提交GE乳房断层合成扫描的上市前申请许可

互联网2013年8月1日 11:51 点击:3000

通用(GE)医疗集团GE Healthcare Life Sciences     美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA,U.S. Food and Drug Administration)

2013年7月30日 通用电器旗下GE Healthcare向美国FDA提交GE乳房断层合成扫描的上市前申请许可最後模式。  

GE Healthcare Submits the Final Module of Its Premarket Approval Application (PMA) for GE Breast Tomosynthesis Option


WAUKESHA, Wis.--()--GE Healthcare, a unit of General Electric Company (NYSE:GE), announced that it recently submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the final module of its premarket approval application (PMA1) for GE Breast Tomosynthesis, an option of the Senographe* Essential system.

In this final PMA1 module, GE Healthcare has provided the FDA with clinical study results and manufacturing information. The GE Breast Tomosynthesis option has been designed as an add-on option for the Senographe Essential that will acquire multiple projection views to produce 3D Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) images, intended to be suitable for screening and diagnosis of breast cancer. GE has a large Senographe Essential and Care installed base in clinical use in the USA.

Over 1700, Senographe Essentials are in clinical use in the United States today.

“Across GE Healthcare we continue to innovate our portfolio and offer complete solutions that meet the needs of our global customers, while helping to provide more access to quality healthcare at a lower cost. In particular within the Women’s Health business, we aim to help clinicians expand care to more women globally in order to help reduce breast cancer and since 1965 have continued to make progress in providing solutions for breast cancer detection and diagnosis across the breast care continuum,” said Prahlad Singh, General Manager, Women’s Health, GE Healthcare - Detection & Guidance Solutions (DGS).

First shipments have started in Europe, Middle East, Australia and Latin America with a solid flow of customer sites placing orders.

*Trademarks of the General Electric Company.

About GE Healthcare

GE Healthcare provides transformational medical technologies and services to meet the demand for increased access, enhanced quality and more affordable healthcare around the world. GE (NYSE: GE) works on things that matter - great people and technologies taking on tough challenges. From medical imaging, software & IT, patient monitoring and diagnostics to drug discovery, biopharmaceutical manufacturing technologies and performance improvement solutions, GE Healthcare helps medical professionals deliver great healthcare to their patients.

1 1GE190-004 BIE (Blinded Imaging Evaluation) study – US. A Multicenter Study to Test the Non-Inferiority of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Compared to FFDM in Detecting Breast Cancer


GE Healthcare
Pilar Anton Serrano
Global Communications Manager, Detection & Guidance Solutions (DGS)


(来源: 互联网 )

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