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现在位置首页>技术资料首页>行业动态>新品动态>安捷伦科技与 SomaLogic 公司就扩大其优级蛋白质组学技术的获取途径达成协议

安捷伦科技与 SomaLogic 公司就扩大其优级蛋白质组学技术的获取途径达成协议

互联网2013年8月21日 10:36 点击:2846

安捷伦 Agilent. 美国SomaLogic

安捷伦科技与 SomaLogic 公司就扩大其尖端蛋白质组学技术的获取途径达成协议
 基于微阵列的 SOMAscan 检测技术将引入指定的学术和合同研发中心

2013 年 8 月 12日,北京 — 安捷伦科技公司(纽约证交所:A)和 SomaLogic 股份有限公司(一家私人的生物科技公司)今日共同宣布,双方已就扩大 SomaLogic 的无偏蛋白生物标记物发现平台的获取途径达成协议。 两家公司初期会在指定的学术和合同研究中心引入 SomaLogic 公司的 SOMAscan 蛋白质组学检测技术,该技术已在工作流中采用定制的安捷伦微阵列。 尽管研究人员可以直接从 SomaLogic 公司获取 SOMAscan 检测技术,但该计划旨在满足迅速增长的对 SomaLogic 多重复合、经济适用的蛋白质组学分析的需求。

安捷伦基因组学解决方案部副总裁兼总经理 Jacob Thaysen 说道:“本协议能将我们的微阵列产品扩展到增长迅速的蛋白质组学市场,显著提高我们目前微阵列产品的销售量。 SomaLogic 拥有世界一流的蛋白质组学技术,因此我们首选与他们进行合作以期在这个增长迅猛的市场中提高市场份额。”

SomaLogic 董事长兼首席执行官 Larry Gold 博士谈道:“安捷伦定制的微阵列在过去几年里一直是 SOMAscan 检测技术发展的重要因素。 可以预见,我们的合作将使世界各地的研究人员更容易获得这项技术,这是大家都喜闻乐见的。”


关于 SomaLogic

SomaLogic 股份有限公司是位于科罗拉多州波尔得的一家生物标记物发现和临床诊断的私人企业。公司目标是利用蛋白质组学专利技术,为生命科学领域开发各种增强型蛋白质分析工具和试剂;促进用于诊断和治疗的生物标记物的发现和确定;开发并商业化临床诊断产品,这些产品能为医师及其患者提供及时和准确的诊断信息从而改善治疗效果。 如欲了解关于 SomaLogic 的详细信息,请访问www.somalogic.com

关于 SOMAscan/SOMAmers

SOMAscan 蛋白质组学检测技术使用 SomaLogic 专利的慢速率修饰的适体 (SOMAmer) 亲和试剂,只需 50 µL 生物样品就能在宽动态范围内经济有效的检测和测量 1129 种蛋白质分析物,一周可检测近一千个样品,并可在短时间内得到数百万个数据。 关于此突破性的蛋白质组技术的应用信息,请访问www.somalogic.com/technology


Agilent Technologies and SomaLogic Enter Agreement to Expand Access to Cutting-Edge Proteomic Technology

Microarray-based SOMAscan Assay to Be Installed at Select Academic and Contract Research Centers

SANTA CLARA, Calif., and BOULDER, Colo., Aug. 12, 2013

Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) and SomaLogic Inc. (a privately held biotechnology company) announced today that they have entered into an agreement to expand access to SomaLogic's unbiased protein biomarker discovery platform.

The companies will initially place SomaLogic's SOMAscan proteomic assay, which employs custom Agilent microarrays in its workflow, in select academic and contract research centers. Although the SOMAscan assay is already available to researchers directly from SomaLogic as a service, this planned roll-out is aimed at meeting the rapidly growing demand for access to SomaLogic's highly multiplexed, cost-effective proteomic analyses.

"This agreement will greatly enhance our current microarray offerings by expanding them into the rapidly growing proteomics market," said Jacob Thaysen, vice president and general manager of Agilent's Genomics Solutions Division. "SomaLogic's cutting-edge proteomic technology makes them an ideal partner for us to increase our presence in this growing market."

"Agilent's custom microarrays have been a critical element in our development of the SOMAscan assay over the past several years," said Larry Gold, Ph.D., chairman and CEO of SomaLogic. "We are delighted that our partnership is expanding to make the technology even more accessible to researchers everywhere."

Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

About SomaLogic

SomaLogic, Inc., is a privately held biomarker discovery and clinical diagnostics company based in Boulder, Colo. The company's mission is to use its proprietary proteomic technology to develop a wide range of enhanced protein-analysis tools and reagents for the life sciences community, to facilitate biomarker discovery and validation for diagnostic and therapeutic applications, and to develop and commercialize clinical diagnostic products that will improve the delivery of health care by offering timely and accurate diagnostic information to physicians and their patients. Further information about SomaLogic can be found at www.somalogic.com.

About SOMAscan/SOMAmers

The SOMAscan proteomic assay utilizes SomaLogic's proprietary Slow Off-rate Modified Aptamer (SOMAmer) affinity reagents to cost-effectively detect and measure 1129 protein analytes across a wide dynamic range in as little as 50 l of biological sample, with a throughput of nearly a thousand samples per week, producing millions of useful data points in a short time. Further information about the applications of this breakthrough proteomic technology can be found atwww.somalogic.com/technology.

About Agilent Technologies

Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) is the world's premier measurement company and a technology leader in chemical analysis, life sciences, diagnostics, electronics, and communications. The company's 20,500 employees serve customers in more than 100 countries. Agilent had revenues of $6.9 billion in fiscal 2012. Information about Agilent is available at www.agilent.com.

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Eric Endicott
+1 408-553-2005

Fintan R. Steele, Ph.D.
+1 720-214-3080

(来源: 互联网 )

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