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Sigma Life Science再次推出基因组编辑工具CRISPR

Sigma-Aldrich2013年9月3日 9:13 点击:3884

美国西格玛奥德里奇Sigma-Aldrich  美国Sigma     

2013年8月27日 Sigma-Aldrich公司宣布推出Sigma CRISPRs,一款经济的哺乳动物基因组编辑工具,适合筛选和探索性研究。这是继锌指核酸酶(ZFN)以来,Sigma推出的第二款基因组编辑工具。

CRISPR指的是规律成簇的间隔短回文重复(Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)。CRISPR/Cas是在大多数细菌和古细菌中发现的一种天然免疫系统,可用来对抗入侵的病毒及外源DNA。Sigma CRISPRs利用可定制的RNA-核酸酶复合物来实现哺乳动物基因组特定位点的编辑。

在细菌中,来自入侵病毒的短DNA序列(间隔区)被掺入CRISPR位点,充当之前感染的“记忆”。再次感染引发互补的成熟CRISPR RNA(crRNA)找到匹配的序列,为CRISPR相关(Cas)核酸酶在特定DNA序列切割双链提供了特异性。

Cas9是由crRNA和tracrRNA(反式激活crRNA)引导、切割特定DNA序列的核酸酶。引导RNA(gRNA)可设计成包含发夹结构,以模拟tracrRNA-crRNA复合物。结合特异性是根据gRNA和三核苷酸NGG序列(protospacer adjacent motif,PAM)。对于位点特异的编辑,CRISPR/Cas9系统至少需要Cas9核酸酶和gRNA。

Sigma CRISPRs以单个质粒载体提供,其中包含GFP,可快速富集编辑过的细胞。当然,您也可以利用专门的生物信息学工具在线定制(www.sigma.com/crisprs)。


“Sigma在2008年开发出CompoZr ZFN技术,如今ZFN已成为基因组编辑的金标准。我们利用这一专长创造出Sigma CRISPRs,它让研究人员以更快、更经济的方式筛选目的基因。在利用Sigma CRISPRs 鉴定出重要靶点之后,可通过超特异的CompoZr ZFNs 来验证生物学上相关的突变,以减少潜在的脱靶,”Sigma Life Science功能基因组学市场部经理Shawn Shafer博士谈道。

Sigma-Aldrich研发部门的首席研究员Greg Davis博士认为:“操控哺乳动物基因组的能力对生物学而言是革命性的。Sigma CRISPR/Cas技术作为一款早期、经济的基因编辑工具,为开发和使用带来巨大希望。”

Sigma Life Science Launches CRISPR/Cas Genome Editing Tools

 ST. LOUIS, Aug. 27, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Sigma-Aldrich® Corporation (Nasdaq: SIAL) today announced that Sigma® Life Science, its innovative biological products and services business, released Sigma CRISPRs, an inexpensive mammalian genome editing tool suitable for screening and exploratory studies. Sigma CRISPRs are packaged in a single plasmid vector containing GFP for fast enrichment of gene-edited cells and can be custom-designed online using an exclusive bioinformatics tool at www.sigma.com/crisprs.

Derived from bacterial and archaeal immune defenses, which guard against invading viruses and foreign DNA, Sigma CRISPRs utilize customizable RNA—nuclease complexes that allow introduction of genome edits at a desired site in mammalian genomes with high efficiency.

Sigma's exclusive online design tool allows users to identify the best target site(s) within human, mouse, and rat protein-coding exons that adhere to CRISPR/Cas targeting requirements. It is the only commercial tool that minimizes the possibility of off-target effects by automatically applying CRISPR/Cas best design practices, including a minimum requirement of three base-pair mismatches between the target site and other sites in the genome. Researchers can also request CRISPR/Cas targets derived from their own design preferences or they can engage Sigma's expert CompoZr® Zinc Finger Nuclease (ZFN) bioinformatics team to produce a custom design based on cutting-edge public and proprietary CRISPR guidelines.

"Sigma developed CompoZr ZFN technology in 2008, and now ZFNs are the gold standard in genome editing.  We have used that expertise to create Sigma CRISPRs, which provide researchers a quicker and more affordable way to screen genes of interest.  After important targets have been identified with Sigma CRISPRs, the biologically relevant mutations can be validated with ultra-specific CompoZr ZFNs to reduce potential off-targeting," said  Shawn Shafer, Ph.D., Functional Genomics Market Segment Manager at Sigma Life Science.

"The ability to manipulate mammalian genomes is transformative for biology. The Sigma CRISPR/Cas technology holds significant promise for development and use as an early, inexpensive tool for targeted gene editing," said  Greg Davis, Ph.D., Principal Investigator, R&D at Sigma-Aldrich, whose team is actively working to advance the technology.

For more information, visit www.sigma.com/crisprs.

About Sigma Life Science: Sigma Life Science is a Sigma-Aldrich business that represents the Company's leadership in innovative biological products and services for the global life science market and offers an array of biologically-rich products and reagents that researchers use in scientific investigation. Product areas include biomolecules, genomics and functional genomics, cells and cell-based assays, transgenics, protein assays, stem cell research, epigenetics and custom services/oligonucleotides. Sigma Life Science also provides an extensive range critical bioessentials like biochemicals, antibiotics, buffers, carbohydrates, enzymes, forensic tools, hematology and histology, nucleotides, amino acids and their derivatives, and cell culture media.

About Sigma-Aldrich:  Sigma-Aldrich, a leading Life Science and High Technology company focused on enhancing human health and safety, manufactures and distributes more than 200,000 chemicals, biochemicals and other essential products to more than 1.4 million customers globally in research and applied labs as well as in industrial and commercial markets. With three distinct business units — Research, Applied and SAFC Commercial — Sigma-Aldrich is committed to enabling science to improve the quality of life. The Company operates in 38 countries, has more than 9,000 employees worldwide and had sales of $2.6 billion in 2012. For more information about Sigma-Aldrich, please visit its website at www.sigma-aldrich.com.

Sigma-Aldrich, Sigma and CompoZr are trademarks of Sigma-Aldrich Co, LLC registered in the US and other countries.

SOURCE Sigma-Aldrich Corporation

(来源: Sigma-Aldrich )

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