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互联网2017年4月24日 10:50 点击:4592

美国BD Becton, Dickinson 美国 巴德 C. R. Bard
 北京时间24日早间路透社称,全球最大医疗技术及医疗设备公司之一BD医疗(Becton Dickinson)宣布,将通过一次现金加股票交易以240亿美元的价格收购巴德医疗科技公司(C R Bard)。


BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company) (BDX), a leading global medical technology company, and C. R. Bard, Inc. (BCR), a medical technology leader in the fields of vascular, urology, oncology and surgical specialty products, announced today a definitive agreement under which BD will acquire Bard for $317.00 per Bard common share in cash and stock, for a total consideration of $24 billion. The agreement has been unanimously approved by the Boards of Directors of both companies.

The combination will create a highly differentiated medical technologycompany uniquely positioned to improve both the process of care and thetreatment of disease for patients and healthcare providers. The transactionwill build on BD's leadership position in medication management and infectionprevention with an expanded offering of solutions across the care continuum.Additionally, Bard's strong product portfolio and innovation pipeline willincrease BD's opportunities in fast-growing clinical areas, and the combinationwill enhance growth opportunities for the combined company in non-U.S. markets.

This financially compelling transaction will be immediately accretive and is expected to generate high-single digit accretion to adjusted earnings per share (EPS) in fiscal year 2019.  Approximately $300 million of estimated annual, pre-tax, run-rate cost synergies are expected by fiscal year 2020.  Separately, BD also expects to benefit from revenue synergies beginning in fiscal year 2019. The transaction is expected to improve BD's gross margins by approximately 300 basis points in fiscal year 2018, increase BD's earnings per share growth trajectory to the mid-teens, and generate strong cash flow.

Vince Forlenza, BD's chairman and chief executive officer, said, "Combining with Bard will accelerate our ability to offer more comprehensive, clinically relevant solutions to customers and patients around the globe, creating a strong partner for healthcare providers who are increasingly focused on delivering better outcomes at a lower total cost. Our two purpose-driven organizations are well-aligned strategically, sharing a strong track record of performance and a deep commitment to addressing unmet needs in today's challenging healthcare environment. We expect the transaction to contribute meaningfully to BD's plans for revenue growth and margin expansion, and generate outstanding value both near- and long-term for shareholders.  I am excited to welcome Bard's talented employees to our strong and dedicated team as we bring together two companies with such complementary capabilities, values and strong reputations for delivering superior results."

Tim Ring, Bard's chairman and chief executive officer, said, "Weare confident that this combination will deliver meaningful benefits forcustomers and patients as we see opportunities to leverage BD's leadership,especially in medication management and infection prevention.  We alsobelieve that we can expand our access to customers and patients through BD'sstrategic selling capabilities, and that our fast-growing portfolio in emergingmarkets can significantly benefit from their well-established internationalcommercial infrastructure.  Our two companies share the conviction that aproduct leadership strategy focused on unmet needs and improved outcomes thatprovide economic value to the global healthcare system will provide long-termshareholder returns."

John Weiland, Bard's vice-chairman, president and chief operatingofficer, added, "BD and Bard share a common purpose with highly compatibleorganizations.  We are very proud of the business and culture we havebuilt over 110 years, focused on quality, integrity, innovation andservice.   We have long had great respect for BD and find in them asimilarly strong, results-oriented culture that prioritizes execution andlong-term value creation.   In addition to significant benefits forour customers, patients, and shareholders, we believe this combination willprovide our employees with new and exciting opportunities as part of a highlycompetent, dynamic global organization.  We look forward to this nextchapter in our company's great history."

(来源: 互联网 )

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