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Honeywell2011年10月15日 13:58 点击:2342


北京时间5月20日凌晨消息,据国外媒体昨日报道,霍尼韦尔国际(Honeywell International Inc)周三称,该公司已经对法国安全防护设备公司斯博瑞安(Sperian Protection)发起了收购要约,要约价格为8.956亿欧元(约合11亿美元),这一价格高于私募股权投资公司Cinven此前发起的要约。


  霍尼韦尔国际称,该公司将把斯博瑞安加入旗下一个部门,该部门现已包含霍尼韦尔国际在2008年收购的安全产品公司Norcross Safety Products。斯博瑞安去年的销售额为6.60亿欧元(约合8.4亿美元),该公司在全球13个国家总共拥有大约6000名雇员。


Honeywell Completes Acquisition of Sperian Protection

Honeywell has completed its acquisition of Sperian Protection, a global leader in personal protective equipment (PPE) design and manufacturing, based in Paris, France.


“With highly developed product lines, Sperian will enhance Honeywell Life Safety’s PPE portfolio to include a full range of complementary “head to toe” products for those who work in environments where safety is paramount. Sperian also expands Honeywell Life Safety’s global distribution channel, especially in Europe, and brings a strong retail presence. Major end users of PPE will benefit from relying on a single company to supply their diverse product needs.


“Sperian has one of the most recognizable brand portfolios in the industry and a top-tier global customer base, and we have a great deal of respect for the Sperian leadership team and business,” said Roger Fradin, President and CEO of Honeywell Automation and Control Solutions. “The company has built an impressive track record of long-term growth while continuing to invest in its future through R&D and global acquisitions. Like Honeywell, Sperian develops differentiated new products that customers demand. Combined with our Norcross acquisition in 2008, we are building a global leader in the fast-growing PPE industry. This represents a terrific opportunity to once again derive value from our stellar acquisition integration process.”


“Sperian, with approximately 6,000 employees in 11 countries in North America, Asia Pacific, Europe and Africa, had sales of more than $890 million in 2009. With nearly 50 years of experience in the research, design, and manufacture of safety technologies, Sperian’s expertise is focused on head protection, body protection, and fall protection.

To learn more about Sperian, please visit the Sperian Web site at http://www.sperian.com.

(来源: Honeywell )

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